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Joemaher - The Ending..

Joe Papasnap Maher

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As some of you know, and im sure some of you wont know, A few months ago, i was offered a job in dubai, which i accepted with open arms..

Today was the day, i was emailed and told i would be flying out this weekend. So for the time being..my riding days are over.

This video isnt complete(as i was cut short)..but ive just made do with the clips i had and sorted something out. I wont be taking my bike to dubai. ( Not immediatly anyways. Its 45 degrees outs there at the moment, so it might be abit warm to ride lol.) Also my crossover split on sunday. ( The 1st crossover ive split in the 7-8 years ive been riding. Maybe its a sign, to say it was the end lol )

But yer..

I just want to say a huge thanks to EVERYONE who has helped me out along the way, Shops, friends..everyone..even the people that dont like me lol.

Special thanks to the boys at tartybikes for ALWAYS being there when needed, and also a huge thanks to Michael Simpson ( for far to many drunken nights out) and finally Adam bessell and james porter for some great holidays and some amazing times.

Enough of that shit.

Enjoy the vid :)

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Sweet chilled video! Looks like your getting on ok with that neon!

Do you still have that Inspired? I want to see more footage of you on it :giggle:


Edit: Just read the top bit. Ignor the bottom bit of my reply! Sorry ;)

Edited by _Owen.
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Downloaded ;)

Nice vid joe! 1:48 made me laugh haha. Really chilled out, but super smooth riding! Wen you coming back from Dubai? Big "welcome home Joe" Ride?

All the best mate, maybe dubai has some riders out there?

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Nice video, hope this isnt the end of trials for you, only met you once when you came to tarty warehouse and you seemed sound a top bloke. Theres a few riders in dubai i believe so may be you will hook up and get back into riding. Guessing you still be popping on here time to time still?

If you dont mind me asking what is it you will be doing, something to do with photography? sorry if im being abit to nosey.

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:( what a way to finish it man, all i can say is that you have always inspired me, i love riding with you its such a laugh. you really are a good mate and i will miss you man. we should ride during the week though as a good bye ride and make a lil video :) i hope you have a good time in dubai. all the best. btw the video was mint some of the lines were mint. ^_^
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That was some good shit Mr. Maher. Good luck with everything, sounds like it's an amazing opportunity. On the plus side as well, even if you're not into it, it's still a bitchin' story to tell your grandchildren ;)

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Aw man.... no way thats really made me.... dunno like touched. You came here as "that cock on the forum" and "that big headed rider" but over the time i grew to be able to bear you i suppose :P hahaha, no seriously your probably my best mate around now, and your always there for me when i need you, how am i going to live with only going out with Mark? Don't mean to wish you bad luck in your new job, but i hope its shit and you come home soon! Its alright ill keep your bed warm for you, when i need a bed after nights out :P

Good riding vid, made me feel like your gone already.... f**k that going to get you more wasted than ever thursday night on Talk, get you in a fight and leave you with a bruiser and more thorns in your back to remember me by :P hahaha

Much love man you'll be missed by us all. xXx

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That was good Joe, enjoyed that man :)

Even though we have History, both bad and good. Through all the arguements, im still gonna' wish you a goodbye and the best luck ever with what you've decided to do. Hope you enjoy it and someday you can ride Bike-Trials again :)

Take it easy buddy.

Edited by Danny Kearns
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