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Whats Your Favourite Trick

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Terminology changes once a week so I'm not sure what they are called - we used to call them stoppies.

Basically find a stretch of pavement that's about 7 - 9 foot wide, ride up to it fairly fast, dab the front brake and roll across it on your front wheel. When you reach the end of the pavement hop off so your back wheel never touches the pavement :)

Feels really good if you get your back wheel nice and high without eating the concrete!

Edited by TheScientist
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Don't have lots of tricks under my sleeve yet but what i like to do is alterning wheelies(seated), manuals and lurching.

Like wheelie to lurch


wheelie to manual to lurch.

Next step would be switching lurches for pedal ups.

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sidehops bore me shitless to be quite honest. ok i cant do them well and when i can i might become addicted but they are soo tedious to watch.

drop gaps are ace.

and tailwhips on walls etc are fun.

and 360 endo drop offs are lush too.

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  SkiLLz said:
This may sound pretty dumb but I haven't been riding that long and just wanted to ask what is a lurche?

Not sure myself but for me lurching is a serie of pedalkicks to move you forward.

EDIT: syntax

Edited by neomember
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