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Dj Hooked Up Old Style Nintendo To Speakers...


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I was at a garden party last night and the DJ hooked up one of the old Nintendos to his gear and started playing all this crazy music. It had drum and bass, but over the top was the 'beeping' sound of the Nintendo. Anyone know if you can download this sort of music? (If you know what I'm even talking about) 'cus it's awesome!

Edited by James-M
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I've also been to a bit of a rave where they played some TRIPPY Mario music over some dnb and just generally had mario loops... It's friggin aces.

Don't know the exact genre or anything, but give Shitmat a try, he has some whacky music. Such as 'Kiss the spanner and call me C'.

Would like to know what it actually is though.

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Theres loads of 'nitendocore' emo bands about, search myspace. Also, a guy called Andre Duracell, he plays loads of old tunes like that using nothing but a drum kit and triggers, pretty amazing and excellent live.



Edited by TomR
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You mean 8bit and chipchune. Check out Sabrepulse and : ( (colon open bracket), theres a good chiptune forum out there somewhere too


Sabrepulse seems to be on the money? This is awesome:

Youtube Video ->
" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
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i sorta got bored of reading this thread.

but check out an artist called sabrepulse.

the sorta music is called chipbreak if im correct, it uses 8bit sounds from things like gameboys.

one of the most common ways it is made is by using an old gameboy with little sound dj, quite an advanced portably loop/synith/sequencer for its time, a lot of the decent artist that make this sort of music still use it today as it was able to proces words etc. and it can be linked up to recording programes such as cubasis and logic and then run into there sequencers to make songs purely from the gameboy or used to put melody or sounds into other songs.

hope this helps

ps its really hard to get hold of nowadays

pps i used sabre pulse in a video i made a while ago in portsmouth

just read some more of the topic, if you want any sabre pulse i have two of his albums atm getting some more soon

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