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  Franc¡s J said:

I love graffiti.

I class graffiti as art.

Not the scribble that the chavs do.

Has anyone been to Leake Street and seen The Cans Exhibiton?

Myslef and mr quinn went up there (Y)

On different days though :P

The queue was huge!! Going in through the back was far quicker.


EDIT: I second what max said, i started from the very beginning, all the old school ny stuff, then just progressed through the history of it :P

When you take it to the wall, things are so different! Really do need to learn how to control the can before trying any big productions.

Edited by Skoze
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Skoze speaks truth. It's all still there at Leake Street isn't it? Would be up for addive a few more pieces to the collection there sometime just for the sake.

Going out to put up 2 big wheatpaste pieces tonight if all goes to plan :) Should be sick.

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i've always loved Graffiti, since i was a lil boy, but i've never really been any good at it :(

trouble is, i need a piece of graffiti designed for a tattoo on the back of my neck...

does anyone know of a good artist or even a website with a graffiti generator on it???


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f**k graffiti generators seriously you'll just get a standrad block font pretty much.

If theres a legal wall aroung your area try checking around there although its gonna be hard to actually make contact with a decent artist (good artist = lots of practice = probably a pretty big fine if theyre caught). Or could try searching for an online graffiti forum and searching for people around your area or just typing in the name of good people youve see about they might havre an onlince showcase or something (www.heavyartillerycrew.com)

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  mista-neos said:
I could mabe design the graffiti for the tatto just give me the word and il try to sketch something up. Also if any one wants a sketch or something add me on msn bee-unit@hotmail.com

no offence meant mate but i wouldnt say youre really the standard he'd want for somethin going on the back of his neck. not saying i'm anywhere near good enough either but you know, if i wanted something like that it would have to be the best of the best.

heres a sketch i did a while ago, its the only one i can manage to come out near ok with the camera im using...


excuse the dodgy colouring lol...

Edited by Joe_Elding
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Sorry i couldnt put any of my new stuff up today but hopefully 2 moz i will get it up and as i said thats my old stuff from last year. I have only seen one of banksys free hand stuff and its ok and i do hit walls mostly throw ups and bombs but i have done very few wild styles on walls.

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  mista-neos said:
Sorry i couldnt put any of my new stuff up today but hopefully 2 moz i will get it up and as i said thats my old stuff from last year. I have only seen one of banksys free hand stuff and its ok and i do hit walls mostly throw ups and bombs but i have done very few wild styles on walls.

So you're obviously not an 'advanced wildstyle' writer that's gonna be better than Banksy :P

TarmacTerrorist- joe's right about legal walls. Skateparks are often legal or just accepted graffiti spots so hang around there and maybe you can get chatting to an artist who's willing to do it. Writers may not want to meet up from online forums etc or even tell you what they write either because you could be a cop etc. Don't be suprised if no decent artists want to do it for free as well.

Edited by Max Quinn
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  mista-neos said:
I dent say i was a graffiti legend that would burn any one i just said my "advanced wildstyles" are mabe better than banksys and what is your obsession with him please tell me.

i'm not even sure thats worth a response, if you're not even able to appreciate banksy for what he is, which is a brilliant graffiti artist, from every possible angle, then your not really worth the paint.

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Wait guys you dont get it i have no probs with banksy i like his work just not up my street i like freehand stuff more i just hate the way alot of amazing freehand artist dont get the respect or media.

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  mista-neos said:
Wait guys you dont get it i have no probs with banksy i like his work just not up my street i like freehand stuff more i just hate the way alot of amazing freehand artist dont get the respect or media.

What, like you?

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Quackers you legend :lol:

  mista-neos said:
I dent say i was a graffiti legend that would burn any one i just said my "advanced wildstyles" are mabe better than banksys and what is your obsession with him please tell me.


1) What i'm getting at is that your wildstyles aren't advanced

2) What you don't seem to understand is that Banksy wasn't always a stencil artist.

  wikipedia said:
Banksy started as a freehand graffiti artist 1992-1994 (Steve Wright: Banksy's Bristol: Home Sweet Home. Bath 2007. Page 32) as one of Bristol's DryBreadZ Crew (DBZ), often assisting writers Kato and Tes.[7] He was inspired by local artists and his work was part of the larger Bristol underground scene.

I think he has a bit more credibility as a freehand artist then you no?

What makes you so bothered about the whole media thing? How come you want freehand graff to get media attention so bad?

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  Quackers!! said:

Wow, you really are good! Strikingly similar to the results you get when you type 'grafiti creator' into google, then type 'A S' in the little box.

Well done, your a fanny.

Haha absoulute legend you have just got the award for the most funniest NMC reply

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