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I like proper street art, not when people just spray a little tag on a wall.

There was some amazing pieces around Brighton, I do a little myself on paper but have never taken it to a wall :)

But yeah, I love some of it, when you're on the train it gives you something to look at!

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  TheScientist said:
I like proper street art, not when people just spray a little tag on a wall.

There was some amazing pieces around Brighton, I do a little myself on paper but have never taken it to a wall :)

But yeah, I love some of it, when you're on the train it gives you something to look at!

Yes hahaha, the same opinion as him!

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I used to dabble in the land of street art.

Used to paint all of the place, but just didn't fancy the risks after the Ozone/Wants incident :(

I'll send you some of my blackbook stuff next time you're on msn (Y)


Edited by Skoze
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I like it, it nearly always looks good if its the right kind. There's an old warehouse at a riding spot near us that's been empty for years and years. There's a group of guys who go down with bags and bags of spray cans and rollers etc who clean up bits of the walls and then go mental on them, some really awesome stuff. Might have a go myself next time i'm down on one of the spare walls or the concrete ramps.

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my first ever bit of graff!

then some little piss abouts

banky is wack most of his shit it lame he has the odd one piece that is ok!

i need to get some new ideas now!



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  chris H said:
banksy is wack most of his shit it lame he has the odd one piece that is ok!

To be fair, have you ever tried stencils?

I have, and the amount of effort you need to put in to get that much detail is huge.

Ever seen any of his older/ more mental stuff? Like one in America, half burying a proper red phone box in the middle of a road, in broad daylight. That is just epic.

Even though the press have singled him out as the wonderboy of uk graff, he is still a very, very talented, witty street artist.


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  Rich J said:
Think he is more praised for his political side of art not just his talent. His ability to pick apart issues and put them into art.

Skoze looks mint. :)

Exactly! He's reeally good at both sides of it :P

And thank you :$

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Wel i never said he wasnt a good artist now!

He is great but he is stil wack from all the lame media attention he gets!

Yes his old work was wouderful he realy has done some inperational work around the world!

Keep your pants on!

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I do street art :) Stencils and wheatpastes mainly. I do dabble in freehand but more characters then letterforms really.

  mista-neos said:
Yeh man i dont like the little tags on walls but im a advanced graffiti writter doing pure "wildstyles" whoop.

I don't know how you can possibly claim to be an advanced wildstyle writer without liking tags. People can slate tags as much as they want but without tags there would be no wildstyle. Tags are where you learn basic letterforms and how to structure letters and pieces. Sure 'i was ere 2k7' is pretty lame but thats not a tag, thats just some random mug wiring on a wall. A massive ammount of effort and practice goes into proper taggers, from blackbooks filled and filled with the same tags to the way they spotted that lampost and ledge to get access to that spot. It's amazing in my eyes.

There's no doubt Banksy is an amazing artist, but others in the UK are on par with him. He is amazing at marketing himself and puts so much effort into his work so has hit the media hype, all power to him :) Oh and people should be aware that he was a pretty amazing freehand artist before stencils. WHy does media attention make him whack?

The objective of taggers is to 'get up' and get seen as much as possible. In the same way, i'm guessing Banksy want's as many people as possible to see his pieces, laugh at them, be inspired by them or be educated by them. What better way to get your work out to the world then the media?

Truth- he's a better freehand and stencil artist then anyone in this thread will most likely ever be. It's the way the media portray him as the one who started street art in the UK that is whack.

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graffiti is so cool would love to do it but just cant draw so that sucks but i do want 2 find someone that is good so i could get them to graffiti my wall in my room.

Edited by gu_20
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  mista-neos said:
Ok heres some of my older stuff.


Im going to upload all my new stuff 2moz. You guys can judge if its better then banksy

Go back to some basics and work on more letter structure. Get that dooowwwn then move back onto wildstyle and i guarantee you'll see an improvement :)

And you do realise theres alot of difference between doing that on a wall and on paper right? Do you actually hit walls? I'm trying to find some of Banksy's freehand pieces but it's next to impossible under the swarm of information about his stencil stuff. Think theres some in the 'Home Sweet Home' book though if your interested.

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