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Alcohol Units


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This is kind of written out of bordom, but I suppose we can see how it develops into a closure eh?

What with the recent uproar surround alcohol units and how the 'younger generations' couldn't give a f**k about their health; I thought I'd review it. I went on the drinkaware.co.uk website; the one thats printed on every single alcoholic drink container in the UK - I always joked about it a bit saying that anyone that needs to visit a website to see if they have got issues, has got issues.

Anyway, I'm rather shocked that this website is so misleading and irresponsible - completely out of touch with modern society. Try the self questionnaire...I did it honestly and it said I had a drink problem, I narrowed my answers down, it said I had a drink problem, I answered it in the view of a vicar, it said I had a drink problem, I answered it as a 25 year old anti-social retard and it said I was a good boy because I was T-Total.

So, how much do you drink on an average week/month, does it concern you, do you notice any ill-health effects other than a hangover from long durations of drinking?

It'd be interesting to hear from the younger TF memebers too.

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I drink bottles of Stella on a regular basis, probably around 5+ a week, and it just makes me feel better, like mellows me out and clears my head. I need one now......

According to that website, it must meen I'm an alchoholic!

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Your drinking may be causing you some problems

S'all good, don't actually have a drinking problem as of yet.

Edit: It says it for all of them unless you do the never option for all of them.

This is probably where they get their stats about binge drinkers from, and the fact that i and probably everyone else clicked on all the worst options for fun means that our next drinking figures are going to be bad. :P

Edited by Bob Fossil
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Your drinking may be causing you some problems.

We recommend that you speak to a health professional who can provide you with personalised drinking advice.

How about they f**k off. The only box I checked was 'How often do you consume more than 8 units in one night' (which is like 4 pints of fosters) an I checked that off as monthly, 4 pints in one evening once a month is hardly bad. The rest of the questions were Never or No. How can they seriously think that I've got a problem.

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  Tomm said:
These fools in their offices making these websites - they probably think going out and getting so drunk that you can't see is a bad idea. Idiots.

Bet their Christmas party is a f**king blast.

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I really can't be arsed to do that but i'm guessing i would be about to die from liver failure within 2 years or something stupid. I'm 17, go out twice a week and drink over 8 pints of whatever shitty lager usually on at least one of those nights. But everyone around me is doing that aswell, in my age group i consider that pretty standard and i'm not really worried. I also know if i really had what i believed to be a good reason to stop i could do it at the drop of a hat- but life just wouldnt be as fun.

In general all the alkohol awareness stuff is marketed soooo badly at our age group. For the english language exam i did the other week our desk study was about 15 pages of alkohol awareness articles and it was sooo poor. Really patronising and barely anyone my age is going to take stuff like that in. It also seems like the limits they set are rediculous. Stuff like maximum 6 units a week for fully grown men :S Im sure plenty of people have been doing much more then that that all of their lives and not had a problem. I bet the majority of people here who go out to bars an clubs etc would do that in one a night easily. And people like my dad having 4 pints a week (one with dinner for example) are over it and thats not even considering if he goes down the pub to watch the footie :S

It just seems like the people that market these are either social retards, straight edge cool cats (no offence Jon :P), or just reaaallly out of touch with the younger generation. If they set realistic targets for the maximum then maybe kids would think, 'hey i can drink a few less pints a week and meet that target' rather then 'f**k off thats never gonna happen'.

EDIT: Oh and about the whole straight edge thing. Although i'm not into it myself, movements like that are the only thing thats gonna minimise binge drinking among teenagers if you ask me. It's 'marketed' by bands that people are actually into and marketed as a cool alternative lifestyle rather then just a safety measure. It also seems to be about the individuals educated choice rather then 'Do what politician X says to do'. Stuff like that is much more successful then anything dreamed up by some 55 year old politician who hasn't been near any poom in as many years.

Edited by Max Quinn
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  Max Quinn said:
It also seems like the limits they set are rediculous. Stuff like maximum 6 units a week for fully grown men :S

Where have you read that from? In the UK, the maximum weekly allowance is 21 units (14 for women). In fact it's recommended that men drink 1 or 2 drinks a day (I.e. around 14 units in a week, preferably with meals) as this helps lower risk of cardiovascular disease. BUT not all at once! Anything more than 8 units (less than 4 pints) in one day is considered binge drinking. Binge drinking is baaad, mmmkay?

The thing is, you're 17 and you don't give a f**k. Drinking 8 pints in one night IS bad for you, and it's a risk you should be aware of. But it's up to you to take that risk if you want to. If you drink in that same pattern, you'll be in a mess by age 40 easily, but most people don't, they get a proper job or whatever and tone it down.

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I dont drink casually that often, but when i got out i get rotted of my face, me and my friend put away like 50 units, according to this thing at the hospital :S

i drink far to much when i go out, but oh well i have a great time.

me and my friend also tried to work out roughly how much money weve spent in the past 5 years on booze

on average

once a week

£50quid a night

5 years

Its gonan be near £10,000 :S on booze and going out lol

Edited by Davetrials
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  Tomm said:
Where have you read that from? In the UK, the maximum weekly allowance is 21 units (14 for women). In fact it's recommended[i/] that men drink 1 or 2 drinks a day (I.e. around 14 units in a week, preferably with meals) as this helps lower risk of cardiovascular disease. BUT not all at once! Anything more than 8 units (less than 4 pints) in one day is considered binge drinking. Binge drinking is baaad, mmmkay?

The thing is, you're 17 and you don't give a f**k. Drinking 8 pints in one night IS bad for you, and it's a risk you should be aware of. But it's up to you to take that risk if you want to. If you drink in that same pattern, you'll be in a mess by age 40 easily, but most people don't, they get a proper job or whatever and tone it down.

Hhm maybe that was exxagerated then but i definately have seen some reallly low limits like that.

Yer definately, but that's the point i will tone it down as i grow. But if they want to help stop teenage binge drinking then they should actually act like they're targeting it at teenage binge drinking and work on limiting it and respect themselves things like what your saying about how it will be toned down once you get a full time job etc.

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  Tomm said:
Where have you read that from? In the UK, the maximum weekly allowance is 21 units (14 for women). In fact it's recommended[i/] that men drink 1 or 2 drinks a day (I.e. around 14 units in a week, preferably with meals) as this helps lower risk of cardiovascular disease. BUT not all at once! Anything more than 8 units (less than 4 pints) in one day is considered binge drinking. Binge drinking is baaad, mmmkay?

The thing is, you're 17 and you don't give a f**k. Drinking 8 pints in one night IS bad for you, illegeal and it's a risk you should be aware of. But it's up to you to take that risk if you want to. If you drink in that same pattern, you'll be in a mess by age 40 easily, but most people don't, they get a proper job or whatever and tone it down.

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A lot of things are illegal...

You surely can't say that you never had a few drinks when you were under 18? Obviously I don't support it; going into streotyical mode for a moment, most underage drinkers tend to be little bastards. As long as he isn't hurting anyone but himself there isn't a problem.

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  anzo said:
A lot of things are illegal...

You surely can't say that you never had a few drinks when you were under 18? Obviously I don't support it; going into streotyical mode for a moment, most underage drinkers tend to be little bastards. As long as he isn't hurting anyone but himself there isn't a problem.

im sure no ones getting at that at all, i know i wasnt

just thought id point it out to be picky more than anything

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  Sam Ward said:
im sure no ones getting at that at all, i know i wasnt

just thought id point it out to be picky more than anything

true that. i was just saying that he is 17, not that I was frowning on it or anything like that at all, then clarifying Sams point i guess.

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Says my drinking may be casuing me some problems.

Cant see it myslef.

At 16, Me and a few mates go out once every 2 weeks mostly.

Get absolutly wankered... Mix everything.

I mostly drink JD coke. SoCo Coke. Bacradi and coke.

Then drink Once every night nearly, Just as a drink..

Just costs wayy to much.


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  Simpsonman =) said:
I drink a minimum of 12 pints a week realistically, usually more, + shot + vodka and cokes.... and i probably smoke more than i should do. Dont do much exersice... damm im f**ked :P

proper f**ked :P

it's quite easy to smoke more than you should...especially when you shouldn't at all!

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I rarely drink but when i do i couldn't really give a f**k about it. I drink to get drunk not to worry about health. it's not really a bad attitude though everyone needs to unwind sometimes if we all stuck to gda's life would be so boring.

i'm 17. mind you last winter I was hammered friday saturday and sunday every weekend there doesn't seem to be lasting effects obviously a bit of liver damage but to be honest I couldn't give a f**k. i'd rather enjoy life for 60 years than just get by for 80

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It takes a lot of drink to affect me really, so when i go out i often drink several beers and around a litre of vodka. I know its bad, i know its too much in one go, but i'm genuinely under the belief that my body can handle it. I often go to the pub in the evenings to play pool with my housemate, and i may have one or two there... but thats about it. Unless i'm with friends and we're drinking socially i don't bother, hardly causing me massive problems in my life.

I also don't get the uni guys who go out for the evening, spend less than £10 on some little alcopoppy type things and come home off their trolleys. I've never been able to do that, i wish i could though so life would be cheaper.

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