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Should I Be Worried?


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Right, to fill you in on the story...

Earlier on (about 6:00pm) I took my partners Daughter to the local play park for a bit - there happens to be a climbing frame there that's perfect height for chin-up practising. So, I lift myself up to about eye level with the bar and suddenly my chest is burning and I go light headed.

I let go, landed in a heap and had to sit there for ten minutes, spinning out and breathing really fast with the burning sensation in my ribs / stomach. After that I felt a bit sick but carried on as normal, went back to the g/f's house slightly out of breath and feeling a bit odd. I've been ok this evening sitting there watching TV and stuff...

Just got into bed and she put her arm on my chest and it triggered it again, not the burning but almsot like touching a bruise and my breathing has gone really fast and it won't slow down :S

I know I should probably ring NHS direct but to be honest I've waited ages on there before - do you guys reckon it's worth a trip to the hospital?

Has it happened to you before?

Any ideas what I might have done?

For reference, I use that bar about once a week and have no trouble doing 5+ chin ups.

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Possibly tweaked an intercostal or something mate. I doubt it would be anything serious at your age.

I'm going to put money on this aswell.

If you lift both arms above your head, straight, and take a few deep breaths, that will normally solve it.

If your pulse is irregular, or abnormally fast, go to a doctor.

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I'd say it's fairly likely that you just tweaked a muscle doing a chip up, but it could well be a spontaneous pneumothorax. It would be impossible to rule that out over the internet, so go see a doctor. Preferably now (It won't be busy now ;) )

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*Awaits bongo to come along and mention my views on heart pain from the last thread*


Seriously though, i'd get it looked at, you might have done all manner of things, but for it to happen during excercise would suggest its not something minor.

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Seriously though, i'd get it looked at, you might have done all manner of things, but for it to happen during excercise would suggest its not something minor.

Your heart has turned inside out and you have 7 hours to live.

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could well be a spontaneous pneumothorax

That'd be my bet. Had the b*****d twice now (had corrective surgery)...When it first happened I was on my bike, felt like I'd pulled a muscle in my back - so I went to the shop and got some pain killers and carried on riding for the rest of the day. Everytime I rode anywhere I'd be out of breath for ages and need to sit down. I went for about a week like this before I went to the doctors about it - from there they pretty much rushed me into hospital.

Second time round I did the same lung by sneezing...though felt nothing this time, just felt a bit strange when I breathed.

A spontaneous pneumothorax is common in young, thin men - though if you have it, its been bought on by tension and can pretty much happen to anyone. You're best to just go to your GP and say its urgent (to avoid the ques of elderly people complaining about some crap). He'll just listen to your breathing and will confirm it or not.

But as a warning; if you do have this you're only taking in half your normal air which, obviously, isn't healthy.

The treatment isn't bad; its a common thing. Usually 4-5 days in hospital with a chest drain (not as bad as it sounds...).

:) Good luck.

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*Awaits bongo to come along and mention my views on heart pain from the last thread*


Seriously though, i'd get it looked at, you might have done all manner of things, but for it to happen during excercise would suggest its not something minor.

lmao!! i was going to post anyway, then saw you'd already posted this! Haha, (Y)(Y)

Yeah, look at my sig :lol:

You didn't breath some wood chippings in did you?!

A spontaneous pneumothorax is common in young, thin men -

I'm quite confident i'll never have this!

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Hmmm, I seriously wouldn't settle for that...

Chest trouble is a pretty serious thing...It could be one of god knows how many things - something I seriously doubt can be identified over the phone.

Go and see the doctor! Better safe than sorry :)

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ive never come across or heard of this, and come to think of it i dont know why im writing in here cus everyone knows a great deal more.

but if you exercise regularly then i wouldnt be too worried.

:huh: How is regular excercise going to help prevent a ruptured lung? If anything, its going to increase the risk, as you need to be doing something strenuous at the time in order to tear it ;)

Go to the doctors/hospital and tell them you what happened and say its been followed with regular feelings of light-headedness and shortness of breath. It might be a little white lie, but they'll treat it more seriously and get to the bottom of whats gone on. And they can't really diagnose a ruptured lung over the phone anyway :lol:

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So for now I can't get up from laying down or bend over (Sorry Simpson, you're out of luck mate ;) )

Its ok thats how i usually end up having sex with men, move fun when they cant move :shifty:

I would advise you go and just see your local GP, they usually have appointments if you phone up early in the morning and say it could be an emergency. although if your docs anything like mine heel put you on anitbiotics before he even knows whats wrong

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:huh: How is regular excercise going to help prevent a ruptured lung? If anything, its going to increase the risk, as you need to be doing something strenuous at the time in order to tear it ;)

Go to the doctors/hospital and tell them you what happened and say its been followed with regular feelings of light-headedness and shortness of breath. It might be a little white lie, but they'll treat it more seriously and get to the bottom of whats gone on.

It wouldn't be a white lie - it has happened :)

I'm feeling ok now so I'm gonna just see what happens - if it comes back I'll go, but as silly as it sounds I really can't be arsed with the hassle of waiting down there. I know it's not the right thing to do but I've got loads to do today...

That sounds bad :|

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:huh: How is regular excercise going to help prevent a ruptured lung? If anything, its going to increase the risk, as you need to be doing something strenuous at the time in order to tear it ;)

Go to the doctors/hospital and tell them you what happened and say its been followed with regular feelings of light-headedness and shortness of breath. It might be a little white lie, but they'll treat it more seriously and get to the bottom of whats gone on. And they can't really diagnose a ruptured lung over the phone anyway :lol:

regular exercise is just going to lessen the fear and worry of having troubles with things like that, think you just got the wrong end of the stick

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regular exercise is just going to lessen the fear and worry of having troubles with things like that, think you just got the wrong end of the stick

See, i don't think i did. You said that you didn't know anything about it, then said that if he does regular exercise he shouldn't worry, which is bad advice. Given that a few people have mentioned it might be a spontaneous pneumothorax, and the symptoms fit... telling him not to worry about it if he does regular exercise (which is how a ruptured lung is often caused) is not going to be good advice.

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Just as a little update, I now have a really sore throat and just generally a painful cough so I would guess that whatever I did was minor, pulled a muscle maybe. Just bad luck that this minor illness has struck and seemed linked.

I don't reckon it is linked though, just bad timing.

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regular exercise is just going to lessen the fear and worry of having troubles with things like that, think you just got the wrong end of the stick

Kris didn't get the wrong end of the stick. He didn't get the right end though, becasue the stick you gave him was totally wrong lol.

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See, i don't think i did. You said that you didn't know anything about it, then said that if he does regular exercise he shouldn't worry, which is bad advice. Given that a few people have mentioned it might be a spontaneous pneumothorax, and the symptoms fit... telling him not to worry about it if he does regular exercise (which is how a ruptured lung is often caused) is not going to be good advice.

see im just going to take for granted that he's going to the doctors, which is the best place for him and its a little foolish if hes not going

i was just trying to state the value of doing regular exercise. if hes not sure if he should be worried or not, then whys he asking??

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You can get a pneumothorax doing pretty much nothing - like going up stairs or getting off a bus. I don't think that regular exercise is known to cause or prevent pneuomothoraces so you're both wrong :P

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