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Local Football Team Seeks Sponsorship


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Afternoon all,

A few mates and I have just set up a football team and are looking to join a local sunday league ready for next season. We are looking for sponsorship as the start up costs are ridiculous and we're struggling to afford it all with our day to day spening at the same time.

As the majority of people on here are pretty clued up on things I figured I might be able to get an answer as to the best way to go about seeking sponsorship.




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Afternoon all,

A few mates and I have just set up a football team and are looking to join a local sunday league ready for next season. We are looking for sponsorship as the start up costs are ridiculous and we're struggling to afford it all with our day to day spening at the same time.

As the majority of people on here are pretty clued up on things I figured I might be able to get an answer as to the best way to go about seeking sponsorship.




Look for small local companies and ring/email/send a letter to them. In the message go through how you can help increase their sales and help their image and also what you expect in return and why it's reasonable.

The majority will say no which is why you have to send out as many as possible. (Y)

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What McDonalds are going to sponsor a small sunday league team? Correct me if I'm wrong I know nothing about football, but I would have thought they'll put their name into big teams where it will be seen my millions.

Yeah local companies are the way forward i'd say

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Its really not worth it for any business. They have to pay said 15 quid per strip per player, so 15 X 15 = 225quid, and then trackies on top say 20 quid each... its over 500pounds, to have their name on the front of a "shit" football team. We got more interest in sponsers when we won southend district cup/leauge and got to the semi's of the Essex cup. But still there very unlikley to offer full strip sponser, especially for a group of mates who think, "f**k it we can play football once a week" if you get me? I mean by all means phone up we got local builder merchants "jim'll fix it" and a few others, but in all honesty.... its 15 quid each, hardly digging deep into your pockets. Or be cheeky and ask the club your going to have to represent to get a cut back out of your signing on fee to pay start up costs.

Dont forget its expensive. Signing up fee's will usually include the price of matchballs (match balls cost 20-40quid) and a few cheap training balls if your lucky, i can remember pre season pitch rental being over 80quid per game but your signing on fee usually includes pitch rental for all offical games.

And also think carefully, i used to play football seriously up till 18 when you have to go to mens football, all the "mates" teams trainings i went to was a complete waste of space, ie. the keeper letting in 4 goals because he couldn't find his lighter, people getting pissed and driving home, there were a couple of nasty fights and the quality of football was poor. If im paying to play i want to be pushing myself and being competitive otherwise its pointless, i think there average score line last season was along the lines of losing 6-1 i mean sure they may have had some fun, but no body enjoys getting your ass kicked every game..

Im mumbling now

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Thanks for all your help.

a group of mates who think, "f**k it we can play football once a week" if you get me?

Although it is just a group of mates who think f**k it we can play on a sunday, the majority are fooking good. We're hardly beginners a new team has to start somewhere. The whole squad (about 20 guys now) has about 10 years minimum playing experience each. Myself and a few of the other guys played for Surrey while at school and college and then for Woking after college, 1 guy used to play for Yeading Town FC and was in the squad last year against Newcastle in the FA Cup at Loftus Road.

The average age of the team is about 25 so we're all quite serious about it. We don't mind digging into our pockets but to pay all that money for kit and a pitch and everything else needed to start up, then weekly costs on top of that is a little much... plus beer tokens for after the games!

Gonna go and see what local businesses we can find.

If anyone has any other ideas please let me know




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it's easily worth it for a business. £500 is f**k all if you think about it if it's a trades company all the football team has to do is promote them enough to get 1 or 2 jobs and they'll make there money back.

go for engineering/haulage/trades companys. they'll easily do it for that little bit of advertising, it also gives them a friendly reputation, and they'll give you the money before tax and save themselves a few quid.

our old sponser used to pay for everything. ref, kit, £50 towards boots, balls (50 each), prizes and monthly barbeque/meal. it cost us next to nothing and they easily made their money back.

if it's a brand new team your starting I very much doubt you'll get a decent sponser until at least your third year.

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Dont mean to put a downer on it mate im a pesimist / realist. For our lads even under 18's we were always short players becuase of the Saturday night hangovers.

it's easily worth it for a business. £500 is f**k all if you think about it if it's a trades company all the football team has to do is promote them enough to get 1 or 2 jobs and they'll make there money back.

500 pounds is still 500 pounds, and to most business's thats a hell of a lot of money.

Worst thing a business can say is no...

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500 pounds is still 500 pounds, and to most business's thats a hell of a lot of money.

Worst thing a business can say is no...

most businesses?

most businesses?


500 quid is _not_ a lot of money to hardly _any_ business, especially if that risk is sold to them as an almost guarenteed return on investment. As already said, most businesses that would be in a position to sponsor in the local area would make that cash back almost straight away.

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I think your mad.... if someone wants a job done, they speak to friends in the business or the yellow pages, doubt someone sees a football tee-shirt on some amauter team in not an amazing leauge and thinks "damm i really need to use them despite the price they charge" i mean yea some teams will get sponsership but get on the blower now and try to get some sponsership, i know our team found it hard, and even a parent with a bussiness refused to do it becuase it just aint' worth it for em

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What McDonalds are going to sponsor a small sunday league team? Correct me if I'm wrong I know nothing about football, but I would have thought they'll put their name into big teams where it will be seen my millions.

The McDonalds over the road from me sponsor some childs team in my area, under 12's I think.

And a local bike shop I work at sponsor another team around this way.

I saw this a while back, you never know who you could get sponsored by.


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I think your mad.... if someone wants a job done, they speak to friends in the business or the yellow pages, doubt someone sees a football tee-shirt on some amauter team in not an amazing leauge and thinks "damm i really need to use them despite the price they charge" i mean yea some teams will get sponsership but get on the blower now and try to get some sponsership, i know our team found it hard, and even a parent with a bussiness refused to do it becuase it just aint' worth it for em

yeah your right. if someone needs a job done they will speak to friends or look up the yellow pages but the idea is that they'll look up the business that they saw on the shirt just because the name will stick in there mind or they'll phone up a friend who'll either recommend someone they've used before or recommend the name of a company which comes to mind. That's how advertising works. Thats why companys put there names on the side of there vans. it might not be worth it for some businesses but it will for most.

Also there is the trust aspect of it. You don't get many pickeys or dodgers sponsoring football teams. so the customer sees a firms name on a shirt and subconsciously presumes they must be a safe bet because they're putting money back into the community.

as for £500 being a lot of money. to most businesses it's nothing, it's just money that they'll be taxed on if they don't shift it. so in that respect it just becomes cheap advertising.

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Thanks once again for everyone's help... it turns out that £500 isn't that much money and the local Hyundai garage is willing to cover our costs up to £1000, FOOKIN' RESULT! That should pay for a fair bit!



f**k that's well good!

fair play man.

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