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Half Ton Dad

Rob Brodie

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Is anybody watching this??

channel 4 - Now

I just dont understand how sombody could get like that,

this guys eats 2 weeks of food in one day!

And consumes 30,000 callories a day!

I just dont understand how that is humanly possible


Edited by Rob Brodie
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Hows he poor? Hes a f**king fat b*****d becuase he eats lots. Pah if its his own fault and he deserves to die, apprentice ***

If you were in that state then you would feel sorry for yourself, yeh he got himself in that state but at the end of the day he don't deserve it.

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Poor b*****d.
f*t b*****d more like. how the hell does one feed himself to the point where he can barely stand, let alone walk. if he suffered from a specific condition which seriously affected his metabolism, i would feel sorry for this dude. and we the tax payer have gotta pay for his operation to save him from himself. Edited by Rusevelt
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f*t b*****d more like. how the hell does one feed himself to the point where he can barely stand, let alone walk. if he suffered from a specific condition which seriously affected his metabolism, i would feel sorry for this dude. and we the tax payer have gotta pay for his operation to save him from himself.

we dont pay for american taxes :P


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Hows he poor? Hes a f**king fat b*****d becuase he eats lots. Pah if its his own fault and he deserves to die, apprentice ***

You are one sick young man who has issue's. NO ONE deserves to die.

I ccan't watch it, arn't strong enough to watch something like that.

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If you were in that state then you would feel sorry for yourself,

No i wouldn't, i wouldnt eat that much in the 1st place. No use feeling sorry for yourself whilst stuffing your face with more food.

You are one sick young man who has issue's. NO ONE deserves to die.

im not saying it like that im saying, its like him holding a gun up to his head, everytime he eats he hes pulling the trigger a little bit more. And what does he want sympathy? And now people have to take care of him becuase its hes a fat b*****d?

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we dont pay for american taxes :P


Yeah but you know what i mean about being a tax payer paying for someone else's self ignorance. can you imagine him attempting to ride a trials bike, he'd snapped the cranks via just doing a trackstand :lol: .

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I feel sorry for him in the same way i feel sorry for a junkie or a hobo. yes they've gotten themselves into a bad situation. But food has become this mans addiction. He needs help the same way that a heroin addict needs help. and yes again i don't want to pay for it, but when you consider the amount of public money politicians get away with wasting, or the amount of council money thats wasted keeping shitty amenities open for a small minority. you soon realise that however much money the help he needs costs is actually not a large amount at all.

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I feel sorry for him in the same way i feel sorry for a junkie or a hobo. yes they've gotten themselves into a bad situation. But food has become this mans addiction. He needs help the same way that a heroin addict needs help. and yes again i don't want to pay for it, but when you consider the amount of public money politicians get away with wasting, or the amount of council money thats wasted keeping shitty amenities open for a small minority. you soon realise that however much money the help he needs costs is actually not a large amount at all.


yeah 30,000 calories to me isnt that hard to reach. id say 1 day in a week i could eat that much, luckily though im still a beanpole.

hes just probably stuck because eating would comfort him so much. its also fits in with all the degrading shit tv programs that are shown nowadays

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