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Uci Campeonato De España - San Martín De Valdeiglesias

Ben Swales

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I went to watch the 1st round of the UCI Spanish championship in San Martín de Valdeiglesias yesterday, here's the photos of the day that I took. They're mostly (except three) unedited, and mostly of Benito and Dani, since I'm not a photographer and couldn't be bothered to take many. There were some other people taking proper photos and I'll edit with a link to their photos and the full results when one becomes available.

It was a miserable day - it started out pouring with rain and quite windy, so everyone was cold and wet from the start. Later in the day the rain stopped, leaving all five sections slick with mud. The wind and the cold remained however, making for an uncomfortable and challenging day for all the riders. There was some spectacular riding on display, and everyone involved put in a maximum effort to make it a brilliant day despite the conditions.

Benito came back from a seemingly bad start and a bad fall on his first lap to finish 1st in Elite, Comas finished 2nd with Carles Diaz in 3rd.

The lad in the silver helmet finished (senior?) on 5 points to win, which considering how wet, muddy and cold it was, is an incredible feat (Benito finished elite with 50+ points).


Willi's photos

Edited by Benji Swales
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haha - the 2nd picture's actually the first chronologically, i thought it looked better to put them in that order action-wise. Benito fived that sidehop on his last lap, knocking out the marker on his way down. he then kept trying to nail the sidehop, hence the photo with no flag.

here's a link to some more, better photos:

Willi's photos

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