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Liverpool ride and Jonny Mc clips


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Cheers for the comments so far lads :D

I feel bad because theres alot of footage of me in there, I filmed the other riders, but they got alot of stuff done first try before I got the chance to get the camera out and then wasn't made again :( and Adam is camera shy beleive it or not!!!

Ride soon Fish!!

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Is it a good thing hes a tank?

Didnt like it jonny mate sorry ive see nalot better riding from you and more control and all the stuff ive heard you have apparently done didnt show anything in this vid.

Ive ssen you rode so much better in leicester (sp)

Jonny babes get some sick clips a good camera man and make a nice jonny boi video because we all love you

p.s i think i found a bike that sounds more f**ked than mine lol

Edited by B.E.A.U
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  N.Wood said:
Looked like some fairly big riding going on, but to look at you setting up for stuff I'd think you've been riding trials for a year or so, looked really uncontrolled.

Big gaps though (Y)

Also camera aapears to be filming at about 3 frames per second!

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  N.Wood said:
but to look at you setting up for stuff I'd think you've been riding trials for a year or so, looked really uncontrolled.

Not really an excuse, but I was aching from gym the day before so I was struggling to keep the bike still/steady! But it's something I have to work on, my styles gone from jumpy and bouncy to wobbly and uncontrolled :S

  Cookyboy said:
Also camera aapears to be filming at about 3 frames per second!

Wouldn't be far off, it only cost like £60 from makro or summat, my video camera broke so I took the digi cam with me incase I did anything big!!

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  BenLeacock said:
jonny you actualy are a animal helishly good rider !

vid was cool, i loled when i heard rolex hahaha

beast as ususal :D

much love x

im sorry what..

no hes not, he can gap far but ever second of the video made me sick, it was just plain awful, ffs stop trying to side 50" and gap 40feet and get some f**king style.

and learn how to tap.

Edited by Davetrials
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  Davetrials said:
im sorry what..

no hes not, he can gap far but ever second of the video made me sick, it was just plain awful, ffs stop trying to side 50" and gap 40feet and get some f**king style.

and learn how to tap.

dave shut the hell up. Your not even remotely close to a pro. Stop telling people how to ride. Jonny's DONE 50", obviously he hasn't gapped 40ft but he's done big. And what wrong with his tapping ? Really, he's hitting his front wheel and the bikes going up the wall, just because he doesn't do it same as you doesn't mean it's wrong.

For god sake, grow the hell up.

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Gome home Dave. EVERYONE has there own style, weather it be the most controlled style in the world, or the most sketchiest style in the world, it's there style, EVERYONE's is different, so technically, he has a style, you just don't happen to like it. End of.

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