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Wheel Problems

Ben H!

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hi people i seem to be having problems with my back wheel instead of the wheel being centered in the middle when you ride the bike it has a habit off moving over to one side and then rubbing against the chainstay at first i thought it was something to do with the axle bolts but i'm not 100% sure

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That's what the snail cams are for. Set the chain tension with the one on the right, get the wheel centred using the one on the left and then tighten everything up- should then stay in place.

ok cheers

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hi there,

that happened to a mate of mine and he put it to the local bike shop to fix it, Still happend but not as frecquintly if i remember corectly it was something to do with the wheel. He recently bought an echo wheel and since then it has'nt happened yet.

Craig :)

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hi there,

that happened to a mate of mine and he put it to the local bike shop to fix it, Still happend but not as frecquintly if i remember corectly it was something to do with the wheel. He recently bought an echo wheel and since then it has'nt happened yet.

Craig :)

cheers mate i've sorted it now, all down to a few washers.

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You might have bent the rear of your frame, happened to me on my jump bike.

A tip for you always look for the simple small solution first and then rule them out before you go thinking something like that and buying a new frame. The chances of a rear end twisting are slim and if they did you would see stress marks.

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