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Whats Your Bmi?


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<h3 id="InteractiveResultsTitle" class="result">You are the ideal weight for your height</h3> <h3 id="BMIResults" class="">Your BMI is 22.5</h3> If your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9 you're an ideal weight for your height.

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That site says 27.4, so i'm overweight. However looking at me shows thats not true at all, and the fancy ones that measure you with electrical pulses say i'm at around 16-17% body fat, which is better than patt who has around 20% :lol:

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That site says 27.4, so i'm overweight. However looking at me shows thats not true at all, and the fancy ones that measure you with electrical pulses say i'm at around 16-17% body fat, which is better than patt who has around 20% :lol:

you could have concentrated fat around you organs?

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BMI counts for poo all really.

i know loads of professional rugby players who have huge BMI but are some of the fittest people ever!

all BMI is, is a correlation between your height and weight. so if your ripped to hell with lots of muscle mass and are quite short, then according to BMI, your overweight!!

if you really want to be body concious then get your body fat levels measured.

last time i got my body fat checked it was 9.5%, that was about 2 weeks ago.

BMI was 23.4

i'm 6'3 and 14 stone.




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