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Painted Sidewalls With A Magura

Sam-Addy A3

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If you use like super soft compound pads then you could do it.

Most people who use soft pads use tar though which will put black streaks on the paint.

Pretty much the only reason the sidewalla are painted is because its easier then taping it off. Almost everyone grinds it off if their using rim brakes.

And if their white you dont even notice lol.



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Thanks for the help.

Will probably get the rims with painted siewalls and see how long they will last, when the start to wear, then grind it off lol.

Any other ideas though?


Sam :D

Edit: I have an Adamant A3 so no disc mount on the rear, i always wanted a disc on the rear though, can you get them welded or is there some sort of adaptor?

Edited by Sam-Addy A3
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I know that you can get adapters to run a rear disc on a vee bike, its called a brake therapy.

Though im not sure they make them for maguras, you could run a ZHI adapter to brake therapy but either way im not sure it would be strong enough for trials in the first place.

And rear discs on stocks never feel great from my experience, ive always felt too much flex in the spokes.

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I know that you can get adapters to run a rear disc on a vee bike, its called a brake therapy.

Though im not sure they make them for maguras, you could run a ZHI adapter to brake therapy but either way im not sure it would be strong enough for trials in the first place.

And rear discs on stocks never feel great from my experience, ive always felt too much flex in the spokes.

an a3 is a mod matey....

ERm try pm-ing muel,he made a disc brake adaptor for his echo lite, im sure he could help you if you decide to fab one.

try some zoo pads on the back ( or similar ) for painted or anodised rims, when it tarts to wear through, buy some heatsink reds/ koxx browns and give it a good grind

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My painted DOB rim has been on the front of my bike for over 4 months now and the paints only just started to thin recently.

I'm running plaz crm's and the bite is awesome. as is the hold.

Just dont expext to be riding in the rain!

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My painted DOB rim has been on the front of my bike for over 4 months now and the paints only just started to thin recently.

Are they quiet up front? hate a noisy front brake and was thinkin of maybe getting some

Edited by Cookyboy
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painted side wall's are horrible, aniodized rims are fine but colour's like fluro pink are a pain get some hard pads on like kool stops and go down a massive hill a few times to take the paint off or use paint stripper

Edited by jsy trials matt
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Are they quiet up front? hate a noisy front brake and was thinkin of maybe getting some

It's not quiet if you drag the brake while your rolling but if you slam the brake on hard, like on a front wheel gap, it locks up before it has chance to squeal.

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I have an Adamant A3 so no disc mount on the rear, i always wanted a disc on the rear though, can you get them welded or is there some sort of adaptor?

Make an adaptor yourself!

Only takes a bit of thought and a sheet of metal (Y)

I made one for my pitbull, its chunky and awesome, does the job suitably.

P.M Muel or me if you want to give it a go (Y)

I'll get some pics up tonight when said bike is fully sorted.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Run a disk....

other than that..... no

Winning answer I think! Just built my new rear wheel up with disc setup, bike looks so much nice without a ground rim.

I tried running a smooth rim with my last maggie brake, tried various different pads but non of them seemed that brilliant, if you want a really good brake, get the angle grinder out! IMO.

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