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Damon Video 7

Damon W

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Your a genetic freak of nature! :S your rocksolid balance on the backwheel is second to none :o . would have loved to have seen a bit more technical lines like that 180 hop on the frontwheel with backwheel hooked on that wall.

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Yep, I expected that really; crap song but friggen huge riding. Prolly summa the biggest street stuff around fo' sho'.

Oh yeah and as davetrials said: you're most definately allowed to measure a 10ft gap or a 56" sidehop.

P.S: Btw, you're built like a tank to be honest, can't all be trials :o! Did that sound gay at all?

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  Dani. said:
Yep, I expected that really; crap song but friggen huge riding. Prolly summa the biggest street stuff around fo' sho'.

Oh yeah and as davetrials said: you're most definately allowed to measure a 10ft gap or a 56" sidehop.

P.S: Btw, you're built like a tank to be honest, can't all be trials :o! Did that sound gay at all?

He goes the gym a shit load.

Deservs another comment

ANIMAL, nothing more to it.

God on a bike.

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For a TGS video it was good. Mental sizes your getting to now.

Nice song too, funny how less people have commented on how it was too heavy comapred to most other videos with metal in. Wonder why :rolleyes:

Loved the moving gate bit. Was something different.

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That was HUGE!!!.

I think beginers group will quit trial, they are mentally break down after seeing this.

I don't know if its still biketrial or kind of pogo trial, but looks insane!!!

Edited by rav
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Good to see another video of you dude but im really sorry to have to say I got bored half way through. Great to see such HUGE riding but it all needs to be in moderation, just my opinion. Cheers for killing yourself for the video though LMAO!

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  Fatter Knacker Tom said:
I love the fact you can actually balance on the back wheel. Shows you have mega control over the bike, apoosed to 100's of hops to keep control of the bike. As for the riding, insane. I loved the back wheel on the gate then let it carry you round, looked cool as.

lol you not ridden a gu you can stand on the bac wheel without hopping like you can stand on the floor.

That was pretty insane damon actually jokes lad 10ft was so smooth sidehop was the quietest i ever did see

sick sick sick

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