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Saw this earlier and tried to blank it from my mind, thanks Dave...

Trials has enough of an image problem as it is and stunts like this really aren't doing anything to help that!

edit; however, the more I think about it, the closer I get to picking up the phone book for lycra suppliers...

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I plan to aquire fashion taste similar to that as soon as I can, they are leading a front, against the frankly rediculous, baggy, comfy, jogging bottoms and tee-shirt which most people seem to be able to manage...

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Well he's not that smart because he hasn't drilled holes in the clothes yet to reduce the weight.

Could we see people lopping off unnecessary organs in order to reduce their own weight even more?

"meh f**k it, i don't need a nose for riding... chop it off and lose 30 grams!"

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Haha, Luke showed me this earlier. Slightly disturbing, but whatever turns him on. :P

  Krisboats said:
"meh f**k it, i don't need a nose for riding... chop it off and lose 30 grams!"

Appendix, don't need that.

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