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Hayes Stroker Lever ?


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Whilst browsing the usual bike sites, i came across This, Lever looks really cool.

Anyone used one before ?

And would it be possible to use the lever for a Hs33/Echo brake or are the pistons and what not too small/big ?

The lever looks almost identical to a HS33 lever on the outside...

Couple of pics (Y)

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If it looks almost identical to a hs33 level then what would be the benefit or doing all that conversion? I highly doubt the pistons would be of the same diameter, and it would be a pain in the arse. A lot of effort for such a minor differance. You may aswell just get a custom level blade made for a hs33, as thats the only thing that produces a differance in the feel at your finger tips. A change of body over the one intended and designed with the brake can only be a bad idea.

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Don't forget the Hayes stroker uses DOT fluid, so you might need to change out seals to make it compatible with HS33 pistons. Also, since it's a disk lever the piston will almost certainly be quite a bit smaller than the Magura lever. Potentially more power, but at the expense of lever sponginess and having to set the brake pads up really close to the rim (Think how far disk brake pads have to move before they hit the disk)...

Another problem you may run into is that since the lever is for an open hydraulic system and the Magura pistons are for a closed system there will be no option to wind in the brake blocks as they wear and the first part of the lever travel won't move the pads in at all.

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Ah yes the new hayes stroker. Its actually a disc brake with an adjustable tpa instead of using a allen key to adjust the lever settings i havent tryed them out but i work in a local bike shop and some of the new 2008 gt and mongoose bikes have them. Id class it more as a cross country lever ive just had a set of hayes nines on me xc bike and changed em for some mono minis.

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i have one on my bike.they have good power but it can't be uset on a hs brake becouse the piston in the lever is 10 mm and in an magure lever is 14 mm thus your pads will move close to nothing when you pull the lever and it will be stiff like your grampa's dick

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