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Cnc Backens Vs Plastic Backens?


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I was looking on heatsinkbikes.com at the pads, and im looking to get a pair of coust pads and i saw there was two types:

Cnc backens with material

Plastic backens with material

Do the cnc backens actually make any defference to the performance of the pad or is it just looks? :huh:

Thanks coxy.x

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However there are drawbacks to CNC backings, your not meant to use them with Deng brakes as it invalidates the warrenty as some have been known to break the prongs on the slaves.

However plastic ones are fine in my opinion as ive never had any trouble with them.

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Well my mate had a set of coust pads and his wear rate wasnt the best as he only had them for a few weeks this is with the cnc so iwould suggest plastic backings, also your lever will felll smoother and will not have as hard feel when braking. but people say that the wear of the pad is straighter with cnc this is because the cnc backings cannot flex as much which means there will not be a nice groove in middle of pad giving you all the material you need to brake, unlike the plastic it forms a little groove which will affect your performance slightly as you will not have all the material working at its best :) so i say if you can afford 30 odd quid then go for it

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My CNC backens made an annoying clunk as they returned into the slave.

They were on heatsink reds which, it appeared, are useless pads.

Didn't think they felt overly stiffer, but if i look at my plastic backens on my Cousts they do flex a little.

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ran heatsinks reds for a few weeks before i went dual disc. they felt really solid with a water bleed. wouldnt want to use plastic backings again if i still ran maggys.

Edited by Bearded Midget
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