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Frame Anodizing


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I've got an old peice of crap silverfox frame. I know that it is truly crap but it is made of steel and I like the feel of it for mucking around on. I might get the welds redone by a freind to strengthen it and have the dropouts replaced for horizontal ones, but if I do I need it resprayed which I can not be asked to do again. My question is does anyone know where I can get it and some other frames anodized near Watford and roughly how much it would cost?

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Totally thought I had edited my post, apparently not.

If you have other frames you want anodizing that are indeed aluminum then have a look in your yellow pages, or try directory enquiries, I'd assume you'll be after something fairly local to you so those two are probobly the best bet.

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You can't anodise steel but it is theoretically possible to anodise a frame thats been aluminsed, have never heard of it being done outside of a laboratory though so I must agree with Disasterboy on the powdercoating. That or just spray it well.

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With a steel frame you could always try to get it nitrided. Same coating as you see on drill bits, so very tough. I had an XC frame finished this way years ago (when steel was still the dominant frame building material), didn't clean it for months and it still was shiny as new under the dirt when I wiped it with a rag. Also it was almost immune to the effects of cable rub too...

I'm guessing it's hard to find people who do this to items as big as frames, but hopefully I'm wrong - I'd love to do my DMR up like this...

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Cheers for all the comments. I did not realise that you could not anodise steel, however the other frames that I wnated to get done are alu so if anyone knows how much it would cost and where I could get it done near watford it would be a big help. My azonic DS1 needs a respray and I would prefer ano. Thanks

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You can aluminse it by spraying lacquer or glue on it and then wrap it with aluminium foil :D

You can anneal it to yellow,brownish yellow,purple and blue and then put a few layers of clearcoat on it to seal the oxidation.

For you that don't know what anealing is a heating process to softening hardened metals. And a few metals, in this case steel(iron) builds up an oxide layer that creates an interferens pattern that creates the color and for iron it starts with yellow at about 240ºC and ends with blue at 300ºC.

This low temps will not affect the steel structure more then releave some stress in the crystaline structure. But if you do this the best would be if you heated it evenly in an oven. If spot heated it could warp but I don't think that would be noticable but if you want to be safe then go for the oven. Otherwise you can heat it with wathever "clean"(oxy/acetylene burner works) heat source you have.

I would like to try this myself but I don't have any steel frames so it would be interesting to see it made.

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