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Magura Help!


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Lately on my Magura rear brake it has had a problem locking up. I have clean the rim, filed the pads a bit, rehosed and rebled the brake and set up the alignment perfectly. I can still hop on the back wheel, but it slips a bit on pedal kicks and I need to use two fingers to lock it for small pivots. I use fibrak pads but also had same problem with stock magura pads, no grind (and I don't want one) and no tar. I heard hairspray on the rim might help. All advice welcome.

Edited by sstein
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Better pads would be a good start (Y)

I know you mentioned not wanting a grind, but you'll find that most pads are shite otherwise :(

Try some Cousts on a smooth rim with a little bit of tar, been told that it's an awesome combo, if theres still no change then i think the grinder needs to com out :(;)(Y):)

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Use some trials specific brake pads. I went for years thinking the stock pads were fine, but the constant fear of the brake slipping out put me off trying a lot of gaps and lines. Rock green pads are good on smooth rims, but they're all shite as soon as the rim gets even slightly damp.

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Yeh, you need good pads, my mate had fibrax on the heaviest grind I could manage, and it was dire.

If you don't want to run a grind, get Necopads reds, designed for smooth rims with or without a smidgen of tar.


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Hairspray does work to help lock your brakes. Although saying that I have only ever tried it with reasonable pads. I run rimjams on a smooth rim and it works lovely. The only time I needed hairspray was when my maggie was in need of a bleed.

My advice is to try the hairspray for a temporary measure but invest in some decent pads for a long term fix. You won't look back. Lots of topics about pads on here so do a search and see what takes your fancy really.


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