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calum. you goat give up.

orrr as a lil bit of cruelty which i like validate callum but then send him back to pre-members.

that would make me laugh.

and callum do you actually have nothing else to do apart from moan about being a pre-member

I was out earlier, but now it is cold.

Inside my house = Warm

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calum. you goat give up.

orrr as a lil bit of cruelty which i like validate callum but then send him back to pre-members.

that would make me laugh.

and callum do you actually have nothing else to do apart from moan about being a pre-member

If i was stuck in NMC, god in heaven, its all i would do.

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Stu - as a little tip from me to you, if you're going to Report a thread for using the word "Bellend", you might want to NOT be using two accounts in the same thread (Adamant Animal). The IP tracker knows all.

ive got a brother who uses trials forum.

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It could be.

We all know you have the power.


The reason that people who use multiple accounts and f**k people around get banned is that it's pure hassle for us, as moderators. Having to f**k about deleting posts, sorting out arguements, warning people, suspending people, etc., is not fun shit to do, it's literally just effort. You constantly asking to be validated (Despite me dropping massive hints as to how to get validated repeatedly on MSN) falls into the same category of "Pure f**king hassle". Take the f**king hint before I just suspend your account so I don't have to read the shit you keep coming up with.

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Yes mate, everyone has seen that.

I know I was a bellend and I have said I was sorry.

It just takes the piss that all everyone ever thinks about is the stuff you did in the past.

:S if i was you id of got a new account by now ! You've blown every chance possible...

but good look in your conquest to get out of the ''pit''

Trials- forum use a new system where you have to register your email and then they send you a validation code in a email to the email you sign up with.

If you have one account, It says" Another user is using this email"

You then make a new email and try agian.

You never get a email with a vaildation code through.

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ive got a brother who uses trials forum.

Seeing as you somehow got validated, why not give you brother some tips, e.g. not saying "Validate me so I can sell shit" ;)

Callum - you can hit the link to resend the verification e-mail if it doesn't send it.

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