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Hello everyone,

I am totally new the world of trials, I found out about the idea of trials not to long ago and the whole idea seemed really interesting to me, so im really looking forward to learning how to ride.

Since im quite new i dont have a proper trials bike just yet, i've had ago at trying a bit of trackstanding and Bunny hopping (love TrashZen :D ) on a Saracen X-ile and its not really going down to smooth :blink: , so i was wondering if u guy could give me some tips and advice? Also, i was thinking if i should get a new bike more suited to trials, and if so any suggestions as to a nice one for a beginner? I'm willing to spend around £250 right now and the bike wouldnt have to be new, just rideable :lol:

Thanks in advance for any help B)

Edited by Nuckin' Futs.
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Ive got some parts if your interested or are you wanting a full bike to start off with rather than building one up.

I think its probably better if i just got a whole bike, since i dont have much idea about parts and stuff yet, but thanks for the offer. B)

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hello welcome,

what id say is to keep a eye out on ebay, you can come across some good bargins :P

Look for zoo, echo, adament, czar ( or look on www.tartybikes.co.uk ) find a bike you like and look in classifieds on here, if you read rules and shizzle wont be long before your valadated.

You need to desided if you want to ride 20'' or 26'' also

This might be some help or might not :P

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Hey guys thanks for all the replies, had a think about the size of the bike and after reading around a bit decided on a 20" couldnt find much on ebay that wasnt to pricey so looked at www.tartybikes.co.uk (very good looking site) and thought this one looked like a nice first bike, right price, size and a free T-shirt woot :P

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If it were me i'd avoid that T-Bird and stick with your X-ile.

I knew one or two people who used to ride X-ile's as a trials bike. I'd say use that £250 for some forks, wheels and cranks.

The X-ile will be fine once it's tweaked out and then just save for a new frame.

Depending on it's current spec you'd probably need rigid forks, remove the gears (single speed), dual ply rear tyre.

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How long did it take you guys to learn to trackstand? Been going at it for a few days now, and can get about a 3-5 second pause in before i have to peddle forwards some more, any trick to it, or just lots of practice? ^_^

Try rocking foward and back and you should be able to stay a bit longer.

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Turning the bars works really well, so does leaning the other way (Y)

But finding that when i do fall, it's always to the right because thats the peddle i have forwards and am pushing down on, any way of countering this?

Try doing it all opposite... ie turn different way, have different crank forward and lean different way...

Poorly explained but I'm sure you get what I'm trying to say :)

It's practice more than anything mate, just keep going and you'll get it in the end!

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