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Children Locked In Cellar


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Hmm, ok. Hadn't seen anything about that. Still doesn't make sense. Why did no-one ever ask what he was doing in the cellar all the time? And his wife must've realised he was doing something when he was excavating the bomb shelter to turn it into a mini house... all to weird for me.

He wasn't converting the bomb shelter, he was just making it. That was before the girl went missing too. Everyone was doing similar stuff at the time, hence him getting the government grant. He told everyone he was doing his work in the cellar (making engineering drawings for clients), and I don't think he was there all that often anyway.

Well i read somewhere that a neighbour saw him once with a barrel of food going down the cellar. and he said don't tell anyone to his neighbour! fooking stupid.

It was a bomb shelter, and it was their cellar. What would be suspicious about storing food in it? That's what they're there for! You store stuff in cellars, he was "storing food" according to his neighbour.

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Joseph Fritzel Ltd

Cellar conversions and soundproofing specialist

a family buisness established 25 years


Can we have a ban on jokes about this please. At least until someone comes up with something... you know... funny. These jokes have been rubbish.
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He wasn't converting the bomb shelter, he was just making it. That was before the girl went missing too. Everyone was doing similar stuff at the time, hence him getting the government grant. He told everyone he was doing his work in the cellar (making engineering drawings for clients), and I don't think he was there all that often anyway.

It was a bomb shelter, and it was their cellar. What would be suspicious about storing food in it? That's what they're there for! You store stuff in cellars, he was "storing food" according to his neighbour.

Yeah of course, but it's the fact that he told his neighbour to saying nothing to anyone.

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i personally think theres more to it that what has been said in the media, it just doesn't seem to add up/ be possible!

I thought that,

Where did the wife think her daughter was for so long?

And why did she never go into the cellar?

It just angers me to look at him


He even looks like a dirty b*****d!

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It's a horrific story and something that really makes me feel sick to the bones. Whats more horrible is the thought that there are probably more people out there doing the same thing who haven't been caught yet, f**ked up world eh?

I hope he geta put down in prison and raped. Given a taste of his own medicine.

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Kinda reminds me of the case we looked at in psychology, a girl called genie (not her real name but what they call people who are kept in extreme isolation from society etc) and she was found after 13 years of complete isolation and abuse and she never fully recovered from that, couldnt speak properly or walk etc and no idea how to socialise, so god knows what the other people must be like after nearly double that amount of time.

Horrible stuff anyway, theres some crazy people in this world....

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Mr Mayer also complained that he is receiving hate mail and telephone threats because of his decision to defend Mr Fritzl. He said: “I am getting letters saying I should be locked up together with Fritzl. But I am not representing a monster; I am representing a human being. As I first saw him, the Latin term pater familias came to mind. It was used to describe the absolute head of the family – caring, but strict. Nowadays people would call that a patriarch.”


A patriarch!? next they'll be calling him a patron saint!


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