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Children Locked In Cellar


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It probably hasn't been posted yet because to most TF users, the concept of "Current affairs" probably means "Who are you going out with now?".


Well it's pretty incredible that he pulled it off for so long, especially given the amount of people he had to hide / stop going down there. Too bizarre!

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It probably hasn't been posted yet because to most TF users, the concept of "Current affairs" probably means "Who are you going out with now?".

ha! probably true actually

I think it's appalling and heard that he is likely to get something like 15 years in jail?! How can they possibly consider anything less than the amount of time he held the kids/his daughter captive if not never let him out again.

Really wonder about the world sometimes.

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i personally think theres more to it that what has been said in the media, it just doesn't seem to add up/ be possible!

it is frickin sickening though! what a weirdo and a mug, he should be prisoned for life!

and he should be handed some very slippy soap as he walks into the showers :D haha

Edited by Will Arnold
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ha! probably true actually

I think it's appalling and heard that he is likely to get something like 15 years in jail?! How can they possibly consider anything less than the amount of time he held the kids/his daughter captive if not never let him out again.

Really wonder about the world sometimes.

Yeah. But he'll be dead in 15 years anyway, even if the other prisoners can't get hold of him first.

I dunno, it's just so bizarre. It's just mind-boggling how he could be that evil, but more how they didn't try and escape or something. Maybe they did. I dunno.

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Yeah. But he'll be dead in 15 years anyway, even if the other prisoners can't get hold of him first.

I dunno, it's just so bizarre. It's just mind-boggling how he could be that evil, but more how they didn't try and escape or something. Maybe they did. I dunno.

He threatened to gas the others if they tried to escape.

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He burnt the corpse of a child in there, yeah. It was dead anyway, so it wasn't like he burned it alive or anything.

Dr. Nick - I think it depends how you look at it really, the kids who had never seen daylight before are probably not really into it. The sheer scale of it is the crazy part. The way she was that old when he 'kidnapped' her was weird too. But yeah, in terms of audacity/scale, it's pretty up there in terms of "Shit things to have happen to you".

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definitely, not a nice thing at all and probably one of the most serious I've ever heard of.

but I can't help but feel people will get sucked into the redtop attitude of HATRED and EVIL, whereas I'm more curious as to what sort of abuse he suffered as a child and how mentally ill he is.

I'll pre-emptively snip the socio political rant.

but yeah, you'll all be sickened by something else in a fortnight.

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I'm not overly moved by it, but it's amazing that he managed to pull it off, but only in the same sense it was amazing what the Nazis managed to achieve in WWII.

The guy doesn't appear to be that f**ked or anything, I don't think you could get away with how well planned it all was if you were totally f**ked.

The images of him in a thong on a beach in Thailand on a "sex holiday" scared the shit out of me more than the actual story itself.

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Putting aside how savage this is, it must be a really interesting study for psychologists. It's not the first time I've heard about something like this, a few years ago there was a similar situation just on a much smaller scale about a guy who grew up in a pitch black room, didn't know how to speak, had absolutely no education and knowledge about the world around him.

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The kidnap thing just doesn't add up though. He fathered 7 children with his daughter. One died. 6 left. 3 were kept in the cellar with their mother. That means that on three occasions he emerged from his cellar with babies or small children... and his wife never asked herself 'hold on a minute, I don't remember being pregnant for the past 9 months... where the f@#* did that come from?!'. It's an impossible thing to pull off without everyone in the house twigging to what was going on. Or his neighbours for that matter. The whole thing stinks worse than the McCann's story.

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he didnt just bring the babies out like that he put them on the doorstep of he house with a note that he forced hes daughter to write saying she didn't want the baby etc. cause everybody apart from him thought elizabeth was free and part of a religious cult.

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he didnt just bring the babies out like that he put them on the doorstep of he house with a note that he forced hes daughter to write saying she didn't want the baby etc. cause everybody apart from him thought elizabeth was free and part of a religious cult.

Hmm, ok. Hadn't seen anything about that. Still doesn't make sense. Why did no-one ever ask what he was doing in the cellar all the time? And his wife must've realised he was doing something when he was excavating the bomb shelter to turn it into a mini house... all to weird for me.

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Hmm, ok. Hadn't seen anything about that. Still doesn't make sense. Why did no-one ever ask what he was doing in the cellar all the time? And his wife must've realised he was doing something when he was excavating the bomb shelter to turn it into a mini house... all to weird for me.

Well i read somewhere that a neighbour saw him once with a barrel of food going down the cellar. and he said don't tell anyone to his neighbour! fooking stupid.

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I think it's appalling and heard that he is likely to get something like 15 years in jail?!

I'm preety sure that he's going to get more then that after listening to the news this morning, as refered to in the topic earlier, after he left one of the children down there dying, he's liable to manslaughter of the worst kind. Surely you get hella more then 15 years for manslaughter?

Do Austria still have the death penatly imposed? I hope they do.

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Well i read somewhere that a neighbour saw him once with a barrel of food going down the cellar. and he said don't tell anyone to his neighbour! fooking stupid.

What would the police say if you called them up saying that your creepy neighbour was transporting stored food into his basement?

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