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Updated: Feedback Required For My 3rd Year Uni Project


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I've nearly finished this bad boy, so I thought I'd post it up for people to read/look at/delete or whatever. I'd appreciate it if you could give me your feedback, weather its on the images, the text, or whatever. The Welcome section still needs re-wording, and I've gotta wait til the 10th May for the Chepstow BMX Jam, so that's why that article is blank at the moment, and the wallpapers section is waiting for pictures from there too.

It's semi-interactive, the contents can be clicked, all the links can be clicked, and there is a downloads section at the end.

So yeah, any feedback you could give would be much appreciated, be it positive or negative.


You can also check out the website now, at http://revmag.co.uk. It's not 100% done, but it's nearly there.


Edited by JonMack
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Looks pretty good on the outset! im not sure some of the background are well selected considering the way your putting text ontop of them, its hard to read a lot of the content (page 7 for example), personally I think if you added a black(low opacity) section under the text it would make it much more user friendly.

Page 13 is hot though!

Edited by br3n
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Yeah the backgrounds still need work, am tempted to put a background round the text areas just to increase the legibility, page 13 is a shot which Mark took, and is indeed sick as f**k!

Cheers Bren, was hoping you'd reply.

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Looks really good (Y)

Only thing Im not keen on are the backgrounds on 12/13 and 14/15, think Id prefer more subtle backgrounds

What's the font you've used for the titles?

Thanks for the Avant Garde font aswell but it was only in mac format :(

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Thanks a lot man, I really hope so!

Dunno how to present it, I was gonna project it, but I thought that you wont be able to scroll through the pages, so I was thinking I could have it on an iMac with a couple of the shots printed as posters and the logo as a big banner behind it... I dunno, I need to speak to my lecturers really.

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I'm uploading a new version now guys with black boxes in the bg, let me know what you think, will be up in about 5 minutes due to my internet being a slug, final file size is 4.21mb, 18 pages. So if yours doesnt have that, then wait a bit and download it again.

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Looks pretty good on the outset! im not sure some of the background are well selected considering the way your putting text ontop of them, its hard to read a lot of the content (page 7 for example), personally I think if you added a black(low opacity) section under the text it would make it much more user friendly.

Page 13 is hot though!

Cheers ;)

High OBM content = win.

One thing that stood out to me was that it might be cool on p4 (Back to basics) to have the blue colour that you've used to highlight certains words as part of the title? Like one word blue maybe, or something. Just seems a bit random just suddenly being there, but it is nice having it in there?

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Word. Looks quite cool.

It's finally reuploaded so anyone who was checking out this topic in the last like 20 minutes should probably have a look again.

if you got msn add me and ill take a proper look at it, if your foolish enough to value my opinion :)lol

br3n@rideurban.net <- msn

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Just looked through. Im not to keen on the random blue words kinda confused me.

Also is each page a double page? If that makes sense? Because there are some images that would work/look better beside each other if its a single page. If its two. Forget it.

Think its page 3? Blue sky one is hard to read.

Loved completely the layout of the big article on white background. Simple and nice.

Photography section is great. Might me just me but could you vary where the text is? Put it into a more open space? Name the trick maybe too?

Loved page 13.

And also the Jimii treeride :)

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I think the black boxes holding the text should be a bit bigger so there's more of a margin

The 'Issue 1' bit would probably look abit better sat underneath the R aswell

And there's something about the white and yellow pieces of text at the bottom on the front cover which doesnt look quite right, doesnt fit in with the cover. Not sure what it is though, maybe its just abit too big..

Other than that, looks good (Y)

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Not entirely sold on the cover shot. Just a bit dull looking? Like the lit area seems a little bit underexposed, and there's a f**kload of black around what's a pretty un-exciting photo? It looks like it might be a big gap, but the dude's pose and stuff make it look a bit 'meh', which doesn't really fit in with the rest of the mag?

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