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Danny Swindlehurst

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HI guys

new little video from me

hope you like it this is all from one day off riding but there are abour 3 other clips in there!

mostly sidehops gaps etc but anyway!

thanks to matt smith and ben lazenby for filming


Trials-Forum Video -> Full ViewDownloadUpload


Edited by Danny Swindlehurst
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Some good riding there danny, the sidehop onto the narrow concrete wall, but theres too many on/offs, also, that flat gap that you show twice but cut it both times when it looks like ur gonna come off backwards. Dont use those clips!


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Opening titles - putting in your 'Megapads' sponsor whilst showing clips of applying tar - it's a nice touch :-

but some more creativity wouldn't go a miss

i thought the exact same thing, dont think he thought that through.

Like always im not keen on the tgs videos so i wernt loving it but your a great rider. Critisms are dont use sidehops that are on off and dont put in clips like the gap in sheffield which you didnt make and you cut it before you went off backwards.

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Swindle Swindle Swindle.

There's one thing i have never understood about you in the whole time i've seen you riding.

Your sidehops, i want this answered now. How come your the only rider, who hardly pre-loads, hardly kicks, and fly's up ? seriously, it looks like you fly and it's always blagged my head as to how you do it ?

I've noticed you hardly tuck aswell, i mean that wall at police station at sheff, it was like you basically said "yeah, lets just jump up here" i mean wtf.

Loved the vid though man. Deng sponsor for you soon i reckon.

Ride soon :)

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The whole feel of that video for me was spot on danny..edit and tune was good.....your riding is on fire at the mo too......mega pads are looking to be nice and powerfull even if you do use a little tar .......who cares lol......il happily use a tiny bit of tar to assist with more bite

in myopinion this is the best vid you have ever made :)

ride soon beef head

Dave x

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