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Official Nassfest 2008 Thread


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broke cos its shit i guess?

and who the f**k wants to ride at nass anyway

i mean really, even if there was a section it be packed with a hundred shit riders getting in ur way and me shouting at you to come over and down this warm larger in my pocket.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No matter how hard I look. I still can't even find the mention of a trials playground. Maybe its my eyes.

I think the fact that trials isn't big shouldn't come into it. Dosn't take up much space for a course (about the same size as ashtons set up).


Its hard to get into, as its not that easy to just pick up. People still watch it though.

I'll be there, order my tickets now. Will bring the bike even if it is to just ride some kerbs and stuff. With a can in my hand there will be no stopping my creativity, 101 ways to fall of a bike.

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  • 3 weeks later...

really want to go. as i need a way of getting over the ex. but not allowed to bring alcohol in, borders patrolled by dogs :S and on top of a 60quid ticket its not gonna be a cheap weekend. that on top of having my leg in a cast.

Edited by craigjames
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Dont think I'm bothering this year, theyve moved the date forward a month, so I havent got time to get time of work, im so poor a hobo has a better life than me at the moment, plus having to buy beer, food, tickets, petrol its racking up 100 odd quid. Would luv to be at the TF campsite but just not worth it this year.

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I would have thought someones going from your way.

Leaving soon, can't wait. If anyone can try camping on the top right of the following map. I can't remember where evryone usually concgregates but top right you've got toilets and some weird concreate thing to ride. Not big but something. Plus its the least wet place (yes its further away from the noise and the fun but you can muck about more out of the way).


The nass map, provided to you by paint.

I'll be out on the leeson.

See you there.

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It was a bit of a letdown this year as far as trials was concirned, think i counted 13 trials bikes all together, 3 of those were ashtons, and 4 were mine and freinds.

Was still an awesome weekend though, the BMXing was pretty insane, the music was awesome in the smaller arenas, and the whole atmospher was pretty amazing, all in all, we all got pretty drunk and sunburned and had a laugh. Met pleanty of new people too, which is always good.

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Surprisingly there was actually bag searches and as a result not much alcohol got into the festival.

Overall the event was organised very well.

Music wise, Pendulum were disappointing, Less Than Jake were awesome, the D&B arena was amusing.

Trials wise, Ashton was demoing all weekend. I am always very impressed with the standard of Ashton's demo's!

As has already been said, where the hell was everyone? The t-f camp site was disappointing. Those of you that were not there missed out on a great weekend :P

Finally, the Braun Spine/Mini and BMX Street finals were absolutely nuts!!!

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Matt won did he??!!

Didn't even get to watch the flat. Awsome for matt he puts in loads of hours (although trying to talk to him proves difficult, most flatland riders seem to be in their own world).

I sort of enjoyed it, nice to see some people I hadn't seen in a while. Think it would have been better if alcohol was allowed in. I think if alcohol is banned next year again I may not come, unless a load from my way are there.

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Just to make it clear to everyone.

Alcohol was not banned, you just were not allowed to take your own alcohol into the festival. Bag searches were pretty tight but people were still smuggling stuff in.

You could buy alcohol on site, it was just no where near as cheap as it is in supermarkets! Prices were not as bad as they could have been though; £3 a pint and £3 for Vodka/Can of Relentless...

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