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Not Usually One To Moan

Rich J

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So heres the story.

Was looking at Chris222phers For Sale topic when i recieve a pm saying something along the lines off Is there anything you want from my thred?

I was infact looking for a wheel so after discussion we agreed on a price I sent payment, postal order IIRC.

I hadn't received conformation of payment received so after 10 days I pm'd him.

No reply.


No reply.

Few more.

Got a reply saying there was a move going on it will be sent ASAP.

Waited a week nothing.

Pm'd again.

Little while later received pm's saying it was his Gf and he was in hospital. I sympothised and waited some more.

Pm'd told he would be out last tuesday and i would be contacted.


Pm'd no response.

And now im writing this...... Payment was send around the 1st of March. Im not looking for sympathy, hug would be nice, but i want to know if anyone knows this guy or his girlfriend personally? Any help would be nice. Chris222pher Pm if you read this..

Sorry if this is in the wrong place also. Move if you need to.

Rich johnson x

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He pmed me saying ' alryt m8 saw yu lookin at my for sale topic anyfing u wnt il do u gd deal'

I no someone waited ages on here for there Chrisking hub ?

Hmm not sure

when was he last online on forum ?

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PM'd me twice, once saying the "aup mayte buy stuff ill good yooz deal" thing, then again over my frame I had for sale, saying could I send it the next day and he'd send the cash at the same time. Errrm. No. I said I'll send once the cheque has arrived and cleared, he never replied.

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I no someone waited ages on here for there Chrisking hub ?

That'd be me. Arrived about 2 weeks late, but i wasn't in major need of it so just had to be patient!

Had a chat with him and he was rather apologetic about it (had the whole moving thing going on etc..) Still no excuse not to send your wheel out.

He's still about on msn so next time he's on i'll deffo have a bit of a chat with him for you dude.

Hope summat gets sorted (Y)


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was it by chance the pro 2 wheel? he kept on pming melloads about things for sale, i said yeh il think about it. then i kept on gettin pms sayin have you sent the money yet? but i said " no, as you've already sold it!" never got a pm back!

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i brought a avid juicy off this guy.

there were DEFINATELY NO PICTURES on the topic at the time of purchase.

when i received it, it was all ceased up and rusty - beyond repair.

so i added him to msn and he said that there were pictures in the forum of a perfect working brake (which there wasnt).

he claimed that it was ''misstreated in the post' and was therefore nothing to do with him'.

and we all know that a brake wont go rusty and cease up in the post when it is inside a plastic bag.

so personally he is a willy and dont go near him before he scams you

it would be nice if tf could do something about this eg ban him ect :)

it would make tf a better website =]


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Cheers for help, blacklisting and what not. Know have his address, telephone number, msn so if he doesnt pop up anytime soon there will be some sort of contact made.


Edit: Rob well done in classifieds. Nice post.

Edited by dickj
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Cheers for help, blacklisting and what not. Know have his address, telephone number, msn so if he doesnt pop up anytime soon there will be some sort of contact made.


Edit: Rob well done in classifieds. Nice post.

Last Seen: Today, 10:35 AM


Edit: Bit off topic but why did that Maxwelldureya or what ever his name is get Black listed ?

Edited by Adam-Griffin
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He sent me my softbox as soon as he said he would, and I trusted him completely. I believe some other members have dealt with him too, Chris (f-stop junkie) and Mitch (M-i-t-c-h) being the ones I know of, we all bought photographic equipment off him.

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