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24"frame+26"forks+v Brake

Nick Harding

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After almost ordering some new forks and a V brake, i remembered that its clearly not going to fit. I had totally forgotten about the fact I was ridding a 24" frame.Guess I must still be used to 26". I have seen riders with 26" forks on 24" frames run with rim brake. Is there some sort of adapters? or is it a re-welding the brake mount job?

Cheers Nick

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get a set of leesons with a 24" mount on. i think he's still making them? anyway there the old pashley forks but with the mount rewelded for 24", really strong and come in at £65 i think? or a set of curtis forks at £140(?) there super strong but a bit heavy.

i don't know of any adapter available? to be honest i think it'd be impossible anyway due to the position of the 26" would be in the way. other than that upgrade to a disc, alot more options for forks then.

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an inch of space might make it abit flexy? but i dunno, i know that boon cos his smart guys re-welded, well im pretty sure i heard about it.


Boon ran viz forks that looked a bit like smart guys/knifens ran a disc on it too, so no need for any rewelding.

ashton forks have 26 and 24 hieght vee brake mount holes,im hoping to get a pair of these forks for my inspired once i get it .


I found that the 26" mount made it really arsey when setting up the brake on the 24" mount. The 26" bit got in the way of brake pad.

get a set of leesons with a 24" mount on. i think he's still making them? anyway there the old pashley forks but with the mount rewelded for 24", really strong and come in at £65 i think? or a set of curtis forks at £140(?) there super strong but a bit heavy.

i don't know of any adapter available? to be honest i think it'd be impossible anyway due to the position of the 26" would be in the way. other than that upgrade to a disc, alot more options for forks then.

(Y) or identiti tuning forks are good too.

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