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What Welder Should I Buy To Restore My Mini

sam D

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i have recently started to restore my mini, and i need to weld a new front on to it ie.. (wings) witch will involve some seem welding. and i also need to do a small bit of patch welding,

can any one recommend a welder, or will a standard mig welder do the job .

thanks for the help ,


sam (Y)

Edited by sam D
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u dont need a welder theres only two tools neede in life for rverything. gaffer tape and wd40. if it moves and it shouldnt gaffer tape it. if it should move and it doesny. drown it in wd 40. i think this one's a case for the gaffer tape.

on a serious note i think mini bodies are steel? correcr me if im wrong so a stanfard mig welder should do the job.

Edited by lozz
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remember this advice, if you get a flux core welder...... your gay, basically.

by all means get a gas/gasless but only ever use gas, the flux core welding wire is expensive compared and to be honest, rubbish, your much better off with a normal gas shield, have a look on ebay for Clarke welders, there alright for the hobbiest and 16g and below so fine for body work. only problem is they are contious live feed so spend the extra £30 for a light reactive mask of ebay. so all in you could get the lot for sub £200


this is a good starting point, and good enough for you to progress on..


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Still, if you buy a gas welder you can in an emergency use fluxed wire, if you buy a gasless you're f**ked. It aint that much harder to use a proper MIG plant than a gasless, and it's much more versatile. The only time gas loses out is if you're trying to weld in strong winds, and I doubt anyone mending a car for a hobby would be doing that.

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remember this advice, if you get a flux core welder...... your gay, basically.


Sam, get to a sealey dealer, they do some relativley good kit for not alot of mullar. My dads(partly mine) Sealey Mighty mig (forget the model number, think its a 130) welder is brilliant, been going for about 5 years with no signs of packing up yet.

Spend the money now and get one that will last you (Y) Get yourself in the mini thread too, good to see pictures of project minis.

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