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Ok everyone, you enjoyed Hook Woods ... now for Blackpool.

Saturday 17th May - British UCI Championship Round 2

3 laps of 6 sections ridden to UCI rules.

Sunday 18th May - UK National Championship Round 2

2 laps of 10 sections ridden to normal rules.

Last year we had 98 entries for the Sunday event which was absolutely amazing.

Please please please send your entry off NOW so we can plan, I can't see us being able to take entries on the day so do get it off quickly in case it has to close early!

Bring along mum/dad/brother/sister/girlfriend to observe (over 16's) and you'll get your entry fee back if we use them!

Entry forms have already been mailed to previous years' riders, if you haven't got one yet they can be downloaded/printed and mailed with a cheque, or you can fill in an on-line entry form and pay through paypal. Please note: entries without pre-payment can't be accepted for this one, all the paperwork MUST be done in advance.

See you there.


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  NSE said:


Remember last year?

cant' forget it. Was such an amazing day! The sections were mint, the atmosphere was great. I had so much fun for a non comp rider.

Think I'll observe for the UK round though, and enter the comp on the sunday...Ill let you know barbara (Y)

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Think I'll observe for the UK round though, and enter the comp on the sunday...Ill let you know barbara.

Matt, thanks for the offer, its just what we need, it would make running an event so much easier if only more people would offer to observe prior to the event.

Our events attract more riders than many other competitions, but still we struggle to man the sections. I would like to ask those that ride to consider putting something back into the sport and try to bring a friend or family member along to help. Without observers events cannot run, if all those that attended Hook Woods at the weekend supplied an observer once a year the problem would not exist.

Let’s hope more people come forward to help at Blackpool, it’s shaping up to be the biggest trials event of the year so far…………..

But of course we have Fort William to follow.

Fred Savage.

Edited by BikeTrial Federation
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  Concussion said:
What's this observing lark all about then? Is it to act as a judge around the course? Does one person follow the rider around etc... just interested? :)

...supposed to be into trials! :$

An observer is responsible for a section throughout the day. He/she watches the riders go through the section, judges them by counting dabs etc, and punches their card with the score. The observer's decision is final.

He/she repairs any broken section tape, puts back any flags that have been knocked down etc.

At least one observer is needed for each section at an event, ideally two.

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  Larry David said:
ah minto looked a big turnout last time, might come down and watch

Ill come down and watch, if the weather is like it was last time it will be sick.

If I still have the mod then im well coming out on it, some nice rocks up top to mess on for non comp riders :D

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  Billy said:
I'm gonna try my hardest to come along to this. I've never been to a competition before, but I'm at uni in Blackpool and looks like a really good day :)

Theres a uni in Blackpool? lol, bispham and fylde college? Blackpool sixth form course?

im intruiged

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  Danny Kearns said:
Hmm. How much is entry ? It will most probably be the saturday im entering. Any license's required ?

I've never enterned nor ridden a comp in my life.

Which train station is cloest to the moon rocks ?

blackpool north about 5min ride to rocks

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  Danny Kearns said:
Hmm. How much is entry ? It will most probably be the saturday im entering. Any license's required ?

I've never enterned nor ridden a comp in my life.

Which train station is cloest to the moon rocks ?

Danny, for all the info you need click on the entry link in Barbara's first post, but in brief;

No licence required.

As mentioned the station is only 5 mins away.


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  Barbara said:
Once again, especially for the winners, we have the beautiful Miss Blackpool organised to present your trophies! (Y)

:o ! Shes a stunner

Anyone got a good picture of her from last year? Maybe added incentive to win ;)

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