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I Need New Shoes.


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I have a problem, I need some new trials shoes. I have some Monty ones, but they are really uncomfertable.

This is because I have really wide feet, and the sides of my feet hang off either side of each shoe, and they dig into my feet making my feet ache really badly.

I need to know, are there any shoes that have a wider sole than the Monty ones on the market at the moment? If not I'll just keep riding in skate shoe type things.

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i just wear normal trainers to , i dont really see the point in trials shoes its just a waste of money.

The pins get stuck in the sole on my skate shoes, which is really annoying because I can't just hop and slide my foot into the right place.

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They'll wear in (both the pedals and the shoes) meaning you're not 'stuck' to the pedal, whilst still having the grip available

Personally, I run skate shoes, because I can't justify spending lots more money on pixie boots, however I know a lot of riders who wear them and swear by them and they're top lads on and off the bike, so there must be something in it all!

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Pixie boots have a place in comps and on natural but I very rarely wear them on the street. At comps I just like having the pixie's on knowing that it doesn't matter if I end up sticking my foot in a stinking bog whereas I'd be annoyed if I did that while wearing nice skate shoes.

With regards Muel, the Ribo's are quite narrow when new but do stretch a bit with use. However, if you're only riding street then I'd go with skate shoes.

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I have wide feet.....after around 10 mins of riding in my skate shoes the sides of my feet ache like a burning sensation.......try alls are the way......mine lasted around 6 months....super grippy and really comfy to ride in....60 odd quid for pure comfort that lasts 6 months ...(Y) AS SOON AS ITS MONDAY (payday) im ordering my self another set (Y)

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I have wide feet.....after around 10 mins of riding in my skate shoes the sides of my feet ache like a burning sensation.......try alls are the way......mine lasted around 6 months....super grippy and really comfy to ride in....60 odd quid for pure comfort that lasts 6 months ...(Y) AS SOON AS ITS MONDAY (payday) im ordering my self another set (Y)

Same, insides?

Interestingly, only happens with my Wellago magnesiums, never happened with my V8s, which have a more concave shape.

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ok mybe i have a way out for you, give Adam a call at Tarty and say i said he has some pairs of proto ribos for testing that have been sent over ( only in limeted sizes ) hope he has your size mybe there are a pair that will suit you in the way you need.

hope this helps

Dave B

But are you talking about a freebie, because its hardly right him buying a pair of protos.

Think i might have to give adam a call now as i was looking at some new shoes aswell :rolleyes:

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used to swear by court traditions

Yeah I had 4 pairs of them... Didn't last that long though...

I've got nike 6.0s for riding. f**king hate the way they look (wiiiide) but they are designed around BMX pedals, so my feet will not come off the pedals even when I want them to. Bit better looking than bender boots, but not by far. Normally wear stan smiths, air max ltds or my adidas superstars so feel like a riiiight wanker when people see me in these huge shoes. Never mind.

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routeone are nocking 20% off all thier shoes if you subscribe to thier email. i can forward you the link so you get discount if you want ;)

Please do! I need some new college shoes as well.

ok mybe i have a way out for you, give Adam a call at Tarty and say i said he has some pairs of proto ribos for testing that have been sent over ( only in limeted sizes ) hope he has your size mybe there are a pair that will suit you in the way you need.

hope this helps

Dave B

Cheers Dave, I'll drop Adam an email some time.

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