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Monty Hose Splitter


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Hi all i have a rear echo cnc rim brake and i hate the way the brake pads dont move evenly one side always seems to move more than the other, i set them up and after a ride i some times find i need to adjust them, they seem to be better than the maguras i had before but there not perfect, so what i want to know is has anyone used one of these hose spliters that splits it in the centre do they work and how are they to bleed. This may seem like a trivial thing but it winds me right up, i have to have things set up perfect. :D

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Thanks for a speedy reply, when you say "bath it up" is that where you replace the mineral oil with water, dose this affect the seals in any adverse way and dose it improve the braking not that i think the echo brake is a bad brake but you know any further improvement gets a thumbs up from me.

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I've got Hs33 rear with water bleed, echo lever and a monty hose splitter. I can't say I noticed a massive difference to be honest, perhaps a slightly sharper feel, but that was offset by the spongeyness added by the lever I put on.

If you like to tinker and want the brake to be the best it can possibly ever be then go for it, otherwise its probably not worth the hassle.

If you end up doing it, then I think Onza had a how to page somewhere, cant find it at the mo but someone on here might be able to help. I do remember it suggestes using washing up liquid as a lube to get the barbed fitting on, which worked for me. Plus dont try it unless you have the hose clamp to hold the hose while you knock the fitting in.

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I've got Hs33 rear with water bleed, echo lever and a monty hose splitter. I can't say I noticed a massive difference to be honest, perhaps a slightly sharper feel, but that was offset by the spongeyness added by the lever I put on.

If you like to tinker and want the brake to be the best it can possibly ever be then go for it, otherwise its probably not worth the hassle.

If you end up doing it, then I think Onza had a how to page somewhere, cant find it at the mo but someone on here might be able to help. I do remember it suggestes using washing up liquid as a lube to get the barbed fitting on, which worked for me. Plus dont try it unless you have the hose clamp to hold the hose while you knock the fitting in.


hose clamps,


and a damn lot of force :)

good luck getting the hose onto the barbed fittings :P

took me an hour to do 2!!

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sounds like a lot of hassel to me may be i will live with what i got, thanks for all the response by the sounds of it if i tried fitting it i would have made a right mess of it so thanks for the heads up.

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You have to get another slave cylinder as well.

Just thought I would tell you incase you didnt know.

No you don't. It replaces the crossover, which means two M6 barb fittings. If you want to make it harder to split the hose, then you could use two M8 shrouds and olives, in which case you would need 2 M8/M6 slaves.

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Anyone who says that a Monty hose splitter makes a difference is lying. And anyone who understands fluids and pressure systems (like those found in a brake) will tell you that there's no advantage at all using a splitter like that, it just makes the brakes harder to bleed.

The only reason to get one is if you think they look better or you've got some weird-shaped frame and the cable routing will be better with it.

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Anyone who says that a Monty hose splitter makes a difference is lying. And anyone who understands fluids and pressure systems (like those found in a brake) will tell you that there's no advantage at all using a splitter like that, it just makes the brakes harder to bleed.

The only reason to get one is if you think they look better or you've got some weird-shaped frame and the cable routing will be better with it.

You don't think that one pad hitting slightly before the otehr makes any difference then? (I mean this as a serious question, not sarcasim)

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ive just been looking at my brakes to see if there is another way round my problem (well not really a problem more an anoyance) and i had a thought if you could which i dont think you can but maybe would be good if fitted as standard is a grub screw fitted through from the back of the brake unit which by doing up allows you to control where the pad comes to rest when you release the lever which would stop the pads floating around in the calipers and ultamately stop them dragging on the rim (which i hate) they only seem to float around when you adjust them up on the lever which means the pads no longer come to rest against there stops so by having this grub screw would give you adjustable stop problem solved.

Dose this make sense to anyone else or is my idea flawd.

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The grub screw would have to move the whole pad carrier bit forwards so the pad comes back to rest on it. Otherwise there's no point. A simpler solution is new plastic washers for the slaves, and set them up to exactly where you want.

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