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Mears Vs Grylls


Whos the best?  

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  1. 1. Make your choice..

    • Bear Grylls
    • Ray Mears

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it's basically the same as asking, Jackass or Sanchez...

The first is the best, the second is more extreme. Just as good and even better in many ways, but you have the first love of the original always burning deep in our hearts :lol:

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bear grills doesnt actually do this stuff. he fakes it. he doesnt actually stay over night etc. ray mears could actually survive longer in the wilderness which is what its all about really..... bear grills just overdramatises things.

Who gives a shit what he does off film! We all know what he DOES do ON screen...

He does drink dead camel piss straight from the bladder, squeeze water from the turd, eat anything that moves and can survive just as well as Mears. Ex special forces teaches you how to survive, not how to enjoy it. He eats a scorpion to survive. Mears will cook it, pick some nice berries and cook it all up to a nice scorp-riotta served on a carefully carved oak plate on a bamboo table that he made while he was waiting.

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He eats a scorpion to survive. Mears will cook it, pick some nice berries and cook it all up to a nice scorp-riotta served on a carefully carved oak plate on a bamboo table that he made while he was waiting.

Surviving < Surviving in comfort and style.

Squeezing the water out of camel eggs is just odd. As long as he had fun..

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Ray mears is a fat b*****d. He could survive with no food for months anyway.

Plus he goes out and catches monkeys and birds with natives bow and arrow's!

They are both as knowledgable as each other. from what people can see. Mears is more of a guide with cultural interests. As a purely survival point of view, they both hold their own and could no doubt survive as successfully as each other.

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It really depends what you want;

If you want a genuine guy sitting there telling you tips on survival, going through some cool survival stories, one who knows those situations are dangerous so will not put himself in them, one that says look here is my camera crew and these are our tents. Then Ray is by far supeior.

If you want an arse who just tries to show off but instead makes himself look like a complete tit. Then you are going to want "bear".

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He was an officer in the TA and ended up serving with the SAS for 3 years in the 90's.

I can't decide, i think from loyalty it'd be Mears as he's been there for years and years, but Grylls is a good watch. I personally don't care if he stays in a bed when he's off camera. I'm watching the programme to see what happens in the show.

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QFT, and I can guarantee 'Bear' wasn't in the SAS.

he was, not the 22's though. think he was in with the reserves. he still went through the training and entry course so he is one tough motherf**ker.

chris ryan is the one who over exaggerated what he'd been through and got caught out.

my main reason for not watching ray is the saggy as f**k tits your forced to watch while he talks to some woman in africa about how she thinks rubbing a leaf on her face will cure malaria

eddie stone is my favourite

Edited by G4vyn
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bear wins hands down, its just a shame a lot of its faked/refilmed but then again.. wouldnt be very good TV otherwise :/

Mears is good, but that series with that incredibly boring guy in england was awful, you cant spend all day fouraging for nuts and berries then cooking it in a sauspan with tesco flour... Thats just pointless!!!!

If there were a series of Bear cutting animals open, living in them an eating their shit. I'd watch that anytime over Ray whittling a canoe out of a twig.

Amazing, Genuine laughter (Y)

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chris ryan is the one who over exaggerated what he'd been through and got caught out.

eddie stone is my favourite

Whats that about chris ryan?

Haha, is eddie stone the guy who did the sas are you tough enough? and the other things? if so was he actually in the forces? he looks rough as f**k, but i dunno.

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Whats that about chris ryan?

Chris Ryans my hero, i dont give a f**k Wiki bowt Chris oh and Scopse, you know the old man who live opposite our flat, hes X-sas total psyco, 4 fingers missing and shrapnel in his body an stuff, taught me how to shoot :) at 80 odd and the shakes got a rat clean through the ears after about 10mins waiting....

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