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New Trialcenter Interview --> Ben Travis

Trialcenter web

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Hi everybody !

Sorry for my poor english, but I'm a french rider.

I have interviewed Ben Travis by MSN the last friday ! This interview is available on my web site.

Nothing to say, except that I no regret having met him !


Good reading !

Me and Ben wait for your opinions !

Good evening !


Edited by Trialcenter web
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Quite bad spelling/grammer?

or pretty good when you consider that his first language is french. be thankful it's in english at all!

EDIT: also, it's grammAr :-

nice interview, saved me from 10 minutes of boredom at work!

Edited by Benji Swales
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Maybe neaten up what actualy goes onto the site, for example...

- Ok, on Youtube i have ever seen videos of Scottish Muckers riders !

You have seen them? Or you have not seen them?

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It is the language barrier JT....luciens english is actually pretty good! The interview was taken pretty much from msn. The main 'target audience' was the french forums, however he decided to put it on here so the mixture of 'slack' msn punctuation on my behalf, and the language barriers are shown in the interview.

I quite like the interviews to be honest, its good to gauge feeling of what riders are like.

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  • 2 weeks later...
- What are your personal records (transfers, steps, sidehops ...) ?

Hmmm difficult to answer as i dont really measure anything. I just like to ride. My sidehop record is 135cm (54inches), my tap to back wheel record is 140cm (56inches) and this is all i know. I am totally against measuring anything though, i feel you should just ride to the best of your own ability. If it looks big, it generally is big :)

erm... >_<

Edited by Davetrials
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erm... >_<

yer that was from when i did measure. maybe its written wrong (it is an msn conversation basically) they are the only measurements i do know....sorry dave. Its my fault, im a tard.


ben on trowlers account

Edited by Towler @ Scotland
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