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Dj Ride 2008 Portsmouth


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yooo people, im pissed outa my head due to it beig my 22nd...need to be on the trian in bout 3 hour but dont you worry i will be there...lol. im riding the green 24seven holroyd so pleasy please keep the break nose to a mininum.... much love see you boys soon.xxxx

No way, it's my 22nd as well. But i won't be there, decided against falling asleep at the wheel on the way back.

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Twas a good day- gorgeous weather and some stupid riding going down from the usual suspects- Porter, Ali, Stan, Rowan etc were going off! Good to see some old faces and well done to everyone who attended.

Lots of people meant that immediately there were several groups riding in different places and I think I probably missed out on a lot of craziness but nevermind.

Dave on the white Inspired who wasn't Sam Wheeler...

RIP DJ... :deej:

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R.I.P DJ (Y) My first of many DJ rides and i think i enjoyed it very very much :) Although i just walked 5 miles home :@ f**king trains :@ Bastards anyway the weather was awesome apart from i slipped on my grips :)

Much love guys, much respect to all and DJ

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awsome day, had a really good ride despite the heat, was good to ride with familiar faces and so many new ones. shame there wasnt the energy to ride into the eve as it was cooler.

good effort to everyone that attended.

no doubt it will be long till i vid and many more pics are up.


(if anyone didn't know who i was i was wearing the FBM t-shirt (blue) and im not dave marshall (he wore one too)

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Sorry for shooting off to the station guys! I JUST got on my train, some woman was holding the doors for her mate which meant i got on :D:D

Was a brilliant day, i did hardly any riding though :( Got about 300 pics.

Was an hour late as i f**ked up train times, meant i didn't get in the group photo which i'm rather sad about.

Many laughs, which was great. As Marr said, it was more of a social event instead of a ride...

So much to say but i'm KNACKERED. Also feels like i'm swaying because i've been on trains for 5 hours today.

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I had a great day for the short period of time i came out. It's a shame i had revision to do :0 (

Good to see some old faces and new ones. I have to say i did smile when i saw Fat Pants, all of the stories came flooding back.



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Had a great day on my 1st DJ ride. Enjoyed watching alot of riders i have seen in videos on you-tube etc etc. meeting then and talking to them.

R.I.P DJ hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did, also hope you were ripping it up in the sky above us as we did down here.


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Just got back

Was an awesome day, thanks guys, though due to French on the uni we split from the bigger groups a bit

Special thanks to Moggles for donating a link to sort my raped chain - my knee's currently oversized and raw as they come :P

Prawn for being Prawn, and helping find Mowgli for said chainlyness

Ali's dive at the end was a bit out of the blue, but so awesome! Anyone get it on film?!

Luke (White '04 Control)

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