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Tyre Pressures


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  Karl Butcher said:
Well its up to you what tyre pressures you run loads of riders use different tyre pressures :)

to me i like my tyre really soft

Yes I have now noticed after I did that drop in P.town and buckeled my rim.

Because of someone saying "Run low tryer preesure, It feels so much nicer."

Thanks Karl.

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  Callum-Luvs-Trials said:
Yes I have now noticed after I did that drop in P.town and buckeled my rim.

Because of someone saying "Run low tryer preesure, It feels so much nicer."

Thanks Karl.

cos when you drop you DROP HARD!!

i do loads of drops and dont buckel my wheel! and you know how flat i run my tryers :)

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i have got the same problem ive been riding mod 4 about 6months now i run my front at 30 but my rear at 15 or 20 max but all my mates i ride with run theirs at 30-40, but i dont hit rim alot unless i F**up a pedel up but recently ive been doing 6ft side drops its kool but hurts abit any advice :)

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I run mine about medium pressure not too hard but not too soft either i like them the best like that. You have to watch denting your rim if you have them really soft, but if you have the really hard it is quite easy to pop your tyres (which i found out by having mine very hard, and they both popped) Hope i've helped mate

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depends really.

i run mine soft but not so soft tht i am going t rim it. but the better you are the higher the stuff you may be dropin off so the higher your goin to drop off womething the easier it is going to be to rim.

so just have the pressure to fit what you do and what you like.

hope that helped

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it kinda depends on your tyres and rims . iv got a try-all rim with a 26" 2.5 tyre so i get away with running 25-30 psi with out rimming to much , but if you have smaller rims and tyres you should have to run higher pressures

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I run mine without tyres. You can gap much further without all that weight.

Also, when you slip off you get a free grind on your rim so that saves time too.

On a serious note, these topics always make me laugh - just pump it up until you feel comfortable?

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