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Metal Backings ? Are They Worth It ?


Metal or plastic  

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eventually its cheaper, and it does allow your brakes to feel better if they are set up shitly. I personally think the stiff backings actually reduce braking power, but i still use them because i like how they feel...

you brake with metal and plastic pads? thats your problem right there

Edited by Ash-Kennard
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metal backings are really good. use them!

i'd find it hard to see how they'd reduce braking power, but then again, maguras seem to not care about newton and his stupid laws...

and about the whole deng "warranty broked if make use CNC backing yes for trials", the same goes for magura as far as i know. just use them, the risk of a snapped piston is quite slim. i've snapped one since i started using the first pair of heatsink prototypes in 2005... i am still on the same pair of backings, so they're quite durable. :)

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metal backings are really good. use them!

i'd find it hard to see how they'd reduce braking power, but then again, maguras seem to not care about newton and his stupid laws...

and about the whole deng "warranty broked if make use CNC backing yes for trials", the same goes for magura as far as i know. just use them, the risk of a snapped piston is quite slim. i've snapped one since i started using the first pair of heatsink prototypes in 2005... i am still on the same pair of backings, so they're quite durable. :)

i have also snapped a piston using them, and it also splayed the pins on the side of the other. but cheap enough to change.

i know in theory metal should be more powerful as the whole surface will sit flat, but i think the flex you get in the plastic backings let you squeese the rim harder in the middle, then the sides bite on too. may be different on a smooth rim actually... dunno

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well if you are running deng slave pistons they wont be no good because 1. deng slave pistons are CRAP! 2. they will just rip the plastic knob straight of on deng pistons FACTS!

i see that you are wanting to go to a vee but if you like your brake to have bite then that aint a good idea because vees have crap bite but AMAZING hold and are easy and simple to set up

but if you want a good maggie setup then get a 04 maggie lever and maggie pistons completly service them and make sure that the pistons arnt sticky of slow use plastic hosing and a monty hose splitter so both pistons move at the same time (as braided hosing is thinner inside and makes the brake feel slower at the lever) then bleed it with water and anti freeze and make sure the brake is bled properly and for pads get some heatsink reds in cncd backings on a light sharp grind then set up 100% sqaure to the rim using no tpa and use a 2 bolt echo booster and your brake should be mint as and in the long run pads only need the refills buying when the material runs out so pads get cheaper in the long run (Y)

i hope my information is help to you :)

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I never felt the need to use metal backings. I just don't see the point, apart from the finacial benifits.


If you get the right plastic backing set-up,

You won't feel the need to use metal backings.

Try some, and if you don't approve no harm's done, just switch back to plastic.


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