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  jebend said:
Therapy won't get to the root of the problem, its more like changing the way you think rather than adressing the issue itself, if you cant think of a reason as to why you're unhappy then I would see a doctor as it could be a hormonal problem. If you know there is something in your life that is causing this, sort it out yourself (Y) and if you can't... youll just have to get over it.. near enough everybody will experience some form of depression at some stage in their life.

Well that depends on whether you believe that all problems of biological or not...

Edited by Bondy
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I went to the doctor a few weeks back believing i was the worst for a case of depression (and i think many others on here could argue that too haha), and he basically gave me 2 websites and told me to cheer the f**k up, in not so many words.

You have good and bad days, enjoy the good days like they are your last, and think that after the bad days, there will be good. I've probably had the shittest weekend and past few days of my entire life, and i can hand on heart say that with a certainty. Pretty much everything that could go wrong and aerie in my life has, but today, i'm feeling so much better. The problems will still be there tomorrow, and no doubt i'll be a f**king mess again tomorrow. I'm not going to lie to you, i drove to Portsmouth the other night at 1 o'clock in the morning, averaged about 100 on an empty dual carriage way, slowing down to 80 for cars, and i once hit this completely empty bit, no headlights for miles, and at a 110 was tempted to flick the steering wheel and for it all to be over, but if there's anything i've learnt in life, its that i hate being defeated by it, it'll however take me getting to that point in my depression to buck up my ideas. (PS, i realise i shouldn't talk about what i just did, probably much to the delight of a few members to rip the piss into me, but just trying to put things into a perspective this guy can understand and relate to).

I don't really know what i'm getting at as i'm pretty sure i'm worse then you for depression and therefore stupid me giving out advice if over the past 7-8 years i've never taken it myself, but i guess just don't, what ever you do, give up on life. I can't say how to deal with the problems you are facing without knowing them, but i'm just advising for the other end of the scale i guess, never give up. :)

Best of luck.

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  Bondy said:
Well that depends on whether you believe that all problems of biological or not...

Well if you get down to it, psychological is biological, even so, solving the problem should stop the depression. That problem is likley to be something to do with relationships ect. so yeah its likley that its not physical.

Edited by jebend
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  Anal_Teflon said:
Sorry about saying "cheer the f**k up" but it was intended as a joke. The way I see it is if someone keeps telling you, you are depressed then you are going to start feeling that way. Everyone has times when they feel a bit down, some people let it get to them others just get on with things and sort their problems out.

Any reason why you are depressed?

And again sorry for my first post it was just meant as a joke getting pissed off with me for giving you shit isn't going to make you feel any better so hopefully my saying sorry will sort that out and make you feel a tad better.

Family loss basicly.. Thats the main thing

  Bondy said:
Have you actually been to a doctor? How did you come about figuring out you are depressed?

Everyone has down days, some last for a while some dont, like people have said, go see a doctor, see what they say, ask to be referred to a therapist if they think you may have depression, other than that theres not really much you can expect from a trials forum.

Its not been days more months.

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I felt like shit when my nan died, i just made jokes out of things and dick'd around in school etc for like a year cheerd me right up. Theres always days when you'll feel like shit just thinking about people. But when i lost my other nan in july i didnt feel as bad. Just remember good times in your life and go out and do stuff you enjoy. Thing is mate you will get over it. Listen to music helped me alot also just excercise(sp) in genral, tryed a few sports etc. Also doing something in years, my case was playing football which i hadnt done since i was about 12.

Cheer up!

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I think the main thing to do is to get your mind off whatever it is that is making you feel sad. If you've got too much time sitting round the house dwelling on things then you are going to feel like crap. But if you get yourself out and about and have a laugh with some mates it will get your mind off things. What ever has happened has happened you can't change the past now you can either sit round feeling sorry for yourself or try to get on with your life and enjoy everything you can.

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i jest, i had a pretty rough 2 years through like year 10 and 11, best thing i found was 1) talk to someone who can help you, doc, shrink etc. 2) exercise more and eat better and 3) just keep doing things that make you happy to keep your mind off it.

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you need to answer your texts and get out on your bike when we do text :P

but seriously man. dont ask trials-forum for things like this (there have been some helpful replies) but it doesnt get you anywhere.

one point someone made though....change your lifestyle...change what reminds you of that family loss. The unfortunate thing is that everyone will pass away at some point. they wouldnt have wanted you to be down about their passing. Instead, celebrate them having a good life.

Your young, your going through ur teenage years....everything is shit in your teenage years.

Just wait till you consider buying a flat :P haha thats depressing.

but seriously get out on your bike this weekend sausage

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  sidehop said:
Family loss basicly.. Thats the main thing

What I do is listen to a song one that makes you remeber them. Listen to it and try make that the only time you think there gone and get all the sadness out off you when ever you hear that song. Rest of the time just think there looking down on you and that they are proud of you dont let anyone say there not.

Well thats what i do and it seems to help me a lot.

Plus close friends are a great help also, try go and talk to them i'm sure they will listen and comfort you.

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