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Ha Ha, Who Does This Remind You Of?

Tony Harrison

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The difference is, old people know they're lame, young people think they're good. I'd raise the age limit to 21 unless you need a car for some particular reason (i.e. job such as salesman, BT engineer, etc). And make the test harder.

Hahaha you really are an idiot. Old people are senile, have a lack of reactions etc and are generally a hazard on the road. Yeah young drivers may race around but chances are they would have the ability to stop in the event of an emergency. And what makes you so special that you can take the piss out of people on the internet? Is it to do with being so cool that you're a senior member on here so you're all high and mighty? What about in the real world, what makes you so special that you can rip people for accidents that have happened? Sweet f**k all i should think, so again unless you have anything sensible to say i suggest you shut up.

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Well to put your mind at ease, my post that you don't get wasn't aimed at you. Nuff said.

Erm ok im still confused but cool lol

But back to my question how much would that cost insurance wise etc

Edited by B.E.A.U
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Hahaha you really are an idiot. Old people are senile, have a lack of reactions etc and are generally a hazard on the road. Yeah young drivers may race around but chances are they would have the ability to stop in the event of an emergency. And what makes you so special that you can take the piss out of people on the internet? Is it to do with being so cool that you're a senior member on here so you're all high and mighty? What about in the real world, what makes you so special that you can rip people for accidents that have happened? Sweet f**k all i should think, so again unless you have anything sensible to say i suggest you shut up.

Do you still want one as a pet KatG?

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Ha ha, I see where your anger is coming from now! You're 17, from Southend-on-Sea, and (I'm assuming) drive a Renault 5 GTT. Of course you're going to get defensive about boy racer abuse.

Hey, guess what I did - I drove up a motorway slipway, the wrong way! Retarded or what?! Other people make mistakes, but that's not really the point here.

Today's lesson is all about taking responsibility.

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It was exceptional circumstances, but perhaps that's the point here. It was my fault, and so I'm not going to blame it on the passenger who was giving directions, or on the sabotaged no entry signs. I was behind the wheel, it was 100% my fault. My irritation with the Beau situation was the fact that a. he didn't want to take responsibility and b. he cared more about the inconvenience to himself than he did for the well being of the real victim.

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How possible does every single topic possible end up like this


rahh rah rah boo boo tooser moo rahg rahg anger rage

Seriosly lol.

accidents are accidents i never planned on crashing but i have and many more have.

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Ha ha, I see where your anger is coming from now! You're 17, from Southend-on-Sea, and (I'm assuming) drive a Renault 5 GTT. Of course you're going to get defensive about boy racer abuse.

Hey, guess what I did - I drove up a motorway slipway, the wrong way! Retarded or what?! Other people make mistakes, but that's not really the point here.

Today's lesson is all about taking responsibility.

Oh look! He IS an idiot!

If you really must know, im 17, ride a MOTORBIKE and yeah i'm from southend along with a fair few other users of this forum that you wouldnt look at and start calling chavs, into which category i would fall into. Also showing your lack of intelligence is the fact that the car you reffered to is turbocharged therefore is actually quite quick, so theres no way i would get insured on that which shows how dumb you are a bit more! Can i ask you a question, of course if you could gather the brain power to answer - Do you have a driving licence?

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It was exceptional circumstances, but perhaps that's the point here. It was my fault, and so I'm not going to blame it on the passenger who was giving directions, or on the sabotaged no entry signs. I was behind the wheel, it was 100% my fault. My irritation with the Beau situation was the fact that a. he didn't want to take responsibility and b. he cared more about the inconvenience to himself than he did for the well being of the real victim.

no i did take responsibility but not all of it as its not all my fault. Even the police told me that so what makes you different. I have take the blame i took the blame for my other crash aswell and got 4 points so dont say i dont care about this person i was the one who wrapped him up in 5 jackets and jumpers i rang the police told them what happend i rang the ambulance i waited next to him even though he told me to go away and made sure he didnt fall asleep. So i didnt do nothing wrong i had an accident i didnt do a hit and run or nothing.

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Who mentioned chavs? I'm not calling boy racers chavs at all. I have good friends who do it.

I'm well aware of what car is in your avatar. When a good mate of mine was 17, less than 6 years ago, he was insured on a Sierra Cosworth.

I have a clean driving license, have always worked on my own cars, and have rebuilt engines.

I am also dumb. I don't refute that. :(

EDIT: To Beau - it was how your thread came across on here than put the nails in your coffin.

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Who mentioned chavs? I'm not calling boy racers chavs at all. I have good friends who do it.

I'm well aware of what car is in your avatar. When a good mate of mine was 17, less than 6 years ago, he was insured on a Sierra Cosworth.

I have a clean driving license, have always worked on my own cars, and have rebuilt engines.

I am also dumb. I don't refute that. :(

EDIT: To Beau - it was how your thread came across on here than put the nails in your coffin.

Wow, thats grand, is the car still in one piece? And you say about driving up a motorway slipway the wrong way, a motor vehicle related wrong-doing you would say? Which is also what you could categorise beaus misfortune as? What im saying is that silly things happen with cars and the people behind the wheel, they shouldnt really be slated for it.

This must be why you post such useless drivel then...

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Who mentioned chavs? I'm not calling boy racers chavs at all. I have good friends who do it.

I'm well aware of what car is in your avatar. When a good mate of mine was 17, less than 6 years ago, he was insured on a Sierra Cosworth.

I have a clean driving license, have always worked on my own cars, and have rebuilt engines.

I am also dumb. I don't refute that. :(

EDIT: To Beau - it was how your thread came across on here than put the nails in your coffin.

sorry i do find it really hard to explain stuff on here to make everyone happy and bing dislexic as f**k doesnt help.

can we all get along?

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For f**k's sake guys...

I have to tidy the mess up because you want to have a stupid little argument.

EDIT: Actually this is a pointless topic anyway so I'm not going to bother.

Oh, and another thing. People that say 'in' are, in fact, more annoying than people who post the lobster dog <_<

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