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Ha Ha, Who Does This Remind You Of?

Tony Harrison

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BBC News

Jack Higgs, 93, was uninjured when his Ford Fiesta hit a Carrera II then flipped over onto a Porsche 911 outside a showroom in Penarth, near Cardiff.

"I just don't know what happened except that I lost control as I was reversing and suddenly I had hit the cars. The next thing I knew I was hanging upside down in my car thanking my lucky stars I was still alive."



(Best of the int0rwebzorrzzzz? Sorry mods...)

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people of that age shouldnt be driving.

fare enough they might struggle with life and need ways of getting to places i understand that but they simply dont have the reactions younger people eg 40 year olds have there is a lot of old drivers near us and they caus emore accidents than anyone. driving at 15 mile an hour slowing half a mile before the junction.

sorry but my opinion. also lol he picked 2 cheap cars t crash into :)

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I saw this this morning and still don't understand quite how he managed it... The red porsche is only scratched really but Jack must've been going at some speed to roll his car like that. I demand a reconstruction...

I also strongly agree that after a certain age people should have to sit fairly regular 'check-ups' to ensure that they're still safe to drive. I bet over 40-50% of over 70's would be found to be dangerous and a lot of accidents would be avoided if that were the case.

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  Kool and the Gang said:
Pretty sure he reversed actually up the back of the red one, then slipped off the side and rolled over!

Yeah that's what I think too but if you look at the height of the back of a fiesta vs. the height and shape of the back of that Porsche, it doesn't look like it would 'go' that easily. You'd think he'd of just smashed into the Porsche and rammed it into the wall or something. Love the fact in cases like this they don't realise something's going wrong, he just kept his foot in and went right up the car- didn't think at the first bang to maybe let off the gas and brake...

Another good one:


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Guessing your trying to say i killed some one. When i didnt it was an accident dicks shouldt joke about it its harsh you wouldnt like it if it was you. could of happend to anyone. so hush you noise yeah

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  B.E.A.U said:
Guessing your trying to say i killed some one. When i didnt it was an accident dicks shouldt joke about it its harsh you wouldnt like it if it was you. could of happend to anyone. so hush you noise yeah

You really are an idiot. If anyone needs to hush up its you. Nearly ever post I see from you makes me think even less of you. Just try and keep out of arguments you don't do yourself any favors.

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  Anal_Teflon said:
You really are an idiot. If anyone needs to hush up its you. Nearly ever post I see from you makes me think even less of you. Just try and keep out of arguments you don't do yourself any favors.

But he is refering to me so no

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Old people shouldnt drive, as most of them havent even taken a test for driving or anything like that, so i reckon they should all be tested again, and if they pass be let free. On the other hand they have free bus passes so why not use them?


Edited by Joe Sheehan!
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