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Which Tyres?

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I have got to say the Echo tryes have my vote.

My maxxis didnt last very long and when the went bald they had no hold or anything.

The echo tryes are a harder compound then the maxxis tryes, that means that they wont be as soft or as sticky as the maxxis but will last alot longer.

My echo tryes seem to be springy aswell, Makes gaps abit easier.

Hope this helps

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I have tried loads of setups, and I have found the best front tyre by far is the Try-All. It's really bouncy, light and resists pinches well.

For the rear, I have to say the Monty Eagle claw seems to be slightly better than the Creepy to ride with, I can't comment on the wear rate but apparantly it's about the same. The Monty is a little bouncier and I got less flats, and it definately gripped better on rocks.

When you use a Try-All front and a Monty/Maxxis rear, they wear pretty evenly, so when they both get worn out, you don't end up with half worn front tyres knocking about.

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thats because your Gay Mike.

Hope this helps.

Nope, to be honest Echo tyres Are terrible, Ride a echo tyre for month then go back to creepy crawlers, i ran a bald creepy for a day and it was still better than my echo bye loads, soo much spring, echo tyres are a hard compound thats why they dont ware down, but creepys wear down but are so soft and enjoyable to ride :)

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