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I Bought An Adamant A1 Ages Ago!

chris H

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I bought my adamant a1 about 2 months ago now:)

But i am still wayting to receave it:(

I payed by check to a lad off hear i have had lots of contact but royal mail had problems for 3 weeks and wasnt able to post it

So he got it back and sent it by easy post uk(has anyone ever herd of them?)

I am sick of wayting and he has my money

I dont realy want to have to get my money back because i realy want this bike!

Any advice i carnt wayt any F*****G longer :(

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I know its a realy company :)

I was woundering if anyone had used them before?

The person i bought it off is called Bristol on hear!

I carnt get in touch with him at the minuet so im realy gutted:(

Why not just change the name on your last account, by PM'ing Danny or Tomturd... shit you can even do it yourself nowadays... so who's the noob?

Imature i know i can change my name points for you :sleeping:

Dont bother beeing a sarcy bitch no need for it when ive lost alot of money!

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If you want help, your going about it in the wrong way. Offending people who reply..certainly wont get you anywhere.

Im not trying offend anyone but with his sarc its not helping i asked for a little help but he decided to be cocky!

Fair doos if he wants to be funny about it but no need when ive lost money anyone in my shoes wouldnt be pleased looseing alot of money and looseing faith in people aswel!

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It took me about half an hour to read what you put, but after that all I can say is, keep on the guy's back - its the only way to guarantee you can get something from someone if they owe it to you. See if someone can hook you up with a dictionary too.

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I do apologise for my terrable spelling

I carn't use the spell check my computer doesnt alow me to :(

And i have problems spelling unforunatly.

Cheers for the advice i am trying to ring him now but his pissing phone is off :(

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Well by the sounds of it, this isnt the guys fault but royal mails, and how long ago did he send it by the courier as sometimes it can take 5-7days. I believe it should be insured when with a courier i think. Theres nothing we can do, you will just have to talk to the sender and ask him to contact the courier.

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I do apologise for my terrable spelling

I carn't use the spell check my computer doesnt alow me to :(

And i have problems spelling unforunatly.

Cheers for the advice i am trying to ring him now but his pissing phone is off :(

hehe fair doos

Try and get his home and mobile numbers, email addresses, all that stuff.

hunt him down...


if he has sent it, get him to show you the reciept for the postage.

Edited by Disasterboy
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Yeah i have tryd all that he lives at his gf's but sometimes goes home to his mums! i have hims mums house hes never there

I have his work number he wasnt there today! When he is there he doesnt help!

I have his mobile doesnt ever have the b*****d on:(

I have asked for the tracking number witch he has managed to avoid giving me every time so its doing nothing

I also have his msn and hes never on because he doesnt have msn at his he has it at his mums:(

I think im f**ked to be honest anyone live in bristol and know of a bike shop called pemburry cycles?

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This is just stupid. really really E-grade brainwork here. No offence.

The fact that you have so many contact details for him puts you at a huge advantage. You could easily trace his address or any addresses with the multiple phone numbers you have. As someone said earlier... phone his mum and tell her what's happened, most parents will be pissed off that their son is being a lazy git and scamming someone. Or alternatively you could as a last resort threaten to make a scene at his workplace in front of his seniors.

there's so much you can do seeing as you have his details.

Just do something about it.

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I know the site mate and i have spoke to all them there i just wounderd if anyone new they were like good people!

I carnt ever get hold of his mum his brother always answers and he says he carnt get in touch with him:(

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