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Who's The Daddy Now?

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back in the day when i first saw trials(about 10 years ago)it was the 2 martyns that made my jaw drop in awe,thinkin i wanna do that!!! having watched CHAINSPOTTING and seeing hans rey do his thing i didnt think he was in the same league as the martyns(not wanting to annoy anyone i do realize he has done a hell of alot for trials........and still does)but who has the best all round ability in the world of trials today who is it that everyone looks upto nowadays every generation has an idol.

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They start from birth.

Then they will work their way through their life and probably around the age of 6 will get a bike of some kind.

Then probably around early teens they will pay an interest in bike trials and give it a go.

Few years of getting good then they ride comps.

Get good at comps.

Keep improving/pushing themselves.

Then eventually if they are committed enough they may possibly become an elite rider.

Hope this helped you see how comp riders started their riding career.

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British street: Danny Mac all the way although Rowan's also awesome to watch.

British comp: Tough call. At the moment and because he's such a stupidly nice guy I'd say Andrei Burton although there are a good 10 riders who could take that spot (Ben Savage, Danny Butler, AliC, Stan Shaw to name a few).

World street: To be honest I'd still probably say Danny Mac- the boy's just on another planet with his riding. Massive but very innovative.

World comp: I personally prefer Kenny Belaey to the likes of Vincent/the Cousts but then they along with Benito Ros are absolute monsters.

Having said that, Martyn can still hold his on today. Not bad for an old timer!! (Just joking if you read this Mart ;) ).

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mmm.. review clips in youtube of: best of the best in the world..

Best Animal Warrior Style Other Galaxy

Thomas Reemvik Aasen (TRA) (natural riding, 20-26, street, indoor, ufff) :S

UCI Style

Thomas Ôler

Kenny Belay

Vincent Hermance

Guilles Coustullier

James Barton

Other Planet trial urban exhibition

Ryan Leech

StreetStlye trial urban

Ali C

Dany Macaskill

Death Style Satanic

Neil tunnicliffe

Damon Wattson

OldSchole Style

Marco Grosenik

Marko Blau

Dany Comas

Benito Ross

Rafael kumorosky

Keita Miyaoka

Gerardo Garcia



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Vincent Hermance is the best rider in the world (Y)

No one can actually deny that because how can you say whos the best street rider? Comp riders are the only ones that you can rate in my opinion.

You are a froob.

i dont think anyone can be the 'best', simply becuase of there being good comp and natty riders and good street riders.

My choices for a street rider would be:

Chris akrigg

Danny mac

Rowan johns

Damon watson

Craig Lee Scott

Neil Tunnicliffe

Dan burton


Comp and natty:

vincent Hermance

Benio rossi

Kenny Bealey




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