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Amazing Brakes, Do We Need Them?


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Amazing brakes. I needs them.

Just gives me one less thing to worry about. I like to focus on getting the bike up and down stuff and not having to think about brake slip. My brake is a bit slippy now, should regrind it..

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Edit: However, as Muel said, on natural it definitely helps to have a good, strong brake which you know will work in all conditions. Hence why I use double disc on my Monty :)

Woo, someone agrees with me! :D

In all seriousness, I used to have rock blues on a very shallow, light grind and it sucked, but I only ever rode street, so it was all I needed. When i started concentrating on natty, I couldn't do anything because it kept slipping.

Double discs are the best. :P

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off subject slightly, any advice to set a vee brake up really well. sd7 lever, sd7 arms, cable, heatsink red pads, heatsink vee adapters

This is an easy one. Cable it as normal but have the barrel adjuster, on the lever, out about two millimeters. Push the arms together so the pads touch the rim and tighten the cable in place. Now just lossen off the barrel adjuster and you should have a perectly set up brake. This will only work if you have a well trued rim.

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really? Im shocked!

Im not talking about really shit brakes

Just medium/Ok brakes

I understand the point about drop gaps though, looked at 1 today with my shit brake and didnt really fancy it...

How do you? And why say brakes.....

I dont even cover the front when i tap....

I can see how you use it if your tapping intending to go right over the top, but usually you should be hitting the top corner.... Pah maybe im talking shit

i only cover my front brake for front wheel moves no gaps or taps

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powerful brake gives you more confidence when doing a move and you cant blame your brake when you cant do a move, you can blame only yourself and then train harder ^_^

also powerful rear brake helps you to tap higher, when you watch the pros they dont land on the top of the wall on massive taps, they land in the corner and then hop up with little jumps (for example watch TRAindoorrevenge at 2.05)

EDIT: another good example http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd115/T...zz/100_0266.jpg do your brakes hold in a situation like this?

Edited by tmks88
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For learning, the better the brake then better.

Now that I can ride well to an extent, I actually do like a brake that can slip a bit (not like really grabby), it just feels smoother which then makes my riding want to be smoother.

As for incredibly crap brakes, you can still ride but not very well.

I just think if your brake stops your rim (hold or not), your all set for trials.

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Mostly down to personal opinion, I reckon. Here's mine:

They're not a must, all the time - though it's a lot safer in some situations.

I like my brake.

It modulates, and slips a bit - unless you hold it in a death grip, where it bites like a motha'. Great for it all - gaps, I take a real strong grip.

Near enough silent, too :-

Love it.

Smooth Ronnie/Reggie (don't know which is the rear), SD7 all over, clarks cable, neco reds, Zoot, carbon booster.

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