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Help Me Choose Between Mod/stock


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Well this year I have decided it is time for a dedicated trials bike. I have been riding some trials now on or off for eight years on bikes that definitely aren't trials bikes. I like city riding, things like picnic tables, dumpster benches, fences. All that good stuff. What am I gonna be happier on and why? Should I go 20" mod? are they considered more capable? Or are 26" stocks still just as capable? I have been leaning towards the 26" stock because I've been on 26" mountain bikes and feel that the switch might be the smoothest. I dunno, this summer is going to be the summer that I put it all together. Where I live theres no where to try both out, I am pretty much the only person into trials for 300km. Any guidance is appreciated. Thanks.

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I saw a post on here from a member a while back. was a real good one about this:

Mod an stock both having there good and bad points. People say height becomes an issue when riding stock, if the rider is too small they should ride mod, I personally disagree.

Stock can be run without a Derailleur, I think thats why this new 'Mod-Stock' was designed, so stock riders can have the freedom of not having to worry about there Derailleur, however, there are now tensioners out there that can be run on a stock to tension your chain, that doesn't matter if you hit it or not, clever in my opinion.

Advatages of mod, for starting on i reckon everyone should be on a mod, with the smaller wheels it makes things easy...not as much bike to move, also feels lighter than a stock to begin with so easy for the rider. Mods are maily for sidehops and gaps, not alot of mod riders hook, tap or front wheel gap on mod, reason being these moves are apparently easier to do on a stock.

Adavantages of a stock, people sometimes see stock as the harder side of the sport, with the bike been genrally heavier and having bigger wheels, but that makes thing's more of a challenge, even though you won't improve as fast, you'll improve over all better in the long run. You generally tend to see stock riders doing taps, hooks and front wheel moves alot more than mod riders, however, sidehops and gaps are still perfectly easy to do.

It's all personal prefference of what you wish to ride. Some say Stock. Some say mod. Thats the reason the sport has the two different sized wheel bikes to suit different people's needs. 24" has also been brought onto the scene for more 'streety' type riders, which is also another option for yourself. If you don't wish to go into the whole 'Tap,Gap, Sidehop' type of riding, then the 24" style is also avaliable to you, which consists of more spinny, technical and tricky style riding. Some people find this more interesting and more of a challenge than the standard TGS.

I seem to be only ranting on about the Street side of things here, there's also the Natural terrain type of riding to take into accout, both mod and stock are rode on Natural, 24" isn't. With natural riding, people seem to focus on the weight of there bike, seeing as natural is a link of alot of movements and not just the standard sidehop or gap. Once again, people find Natural terrain riding more fun and challenging than street riding or TGS.

Just have ago on a few bikes, get the feel of what you want to ride and what path you want to take in trials. Maybe attend a YMSA round or a British Championship and have a look at what goes on at Competitions. You could also attend the National Bike show or Nass where all different type's of riding happens. Suck as Trials, Bmx, Freestyle etc.

Don't go rushing into what you want, take your time and make sure you confident on what you want. (Y)

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