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Britains Got Talent, Why Are There No


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  coxy (: said:
I was watching this just a while ago and i dont understand why no trials boys have been on there, people such a cls , watson , ect.

Just a little idea i thought :rolleyes: whould be rather good.


matey i was flickin through some trials on you tube the other week and there was an american version of the talent show and they had 2 trials riders on doing it 2 music it was really good and the judges loved aswell!!!!

  coxy (: said:
I was watching this just a while ago and i dont understand why no trials boys have been on there, people such a cls , watson , ect.

Just a little idea i thought :rolleyes: whould be rather good.


matey i was flickin through some trials on you tube the other week and there was an american version of the talent show and they had 2 trials riders on doing it 2 music it was really good and the judges loved aswell!!!!

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  Rusevelt said:
Probably because no one can be bothered :sleeping: . trials doesn't really this kind of exposure. tv exposure yes (Y) , via talent show no (N) .

Why not? trials is a talent. I think if you did it demo style and only had a person lying on the floor to hop around about, do a few flatland moves to some music, you'd do alright. It is something I wouldn't want to see at the royal variety show though i don't think it's that kind of talent.

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  G4vyn said:
Why not? trials is a talent. I think if you did it demo style and only had a person lying on the floor to hop around about, do a few flatland moves to some music, you'd do alright. It is something I wouldn't want to see at the royal variety show though i don't think it's that kind of talent.

Correct, i think it would pull of great if you had some good riders ;)

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  G4vyn said:

Why not? trials is a talent. I think if you did it demo style and only had a person lying on the floor to hop around about, do a few flatland moves to some music, you'd do alright. It is something I wouldn't want to see at the royal variety show though i don't think it's that kind of talent.


at the end of the day talent is talent in any shape or form and watching it on the box could inspire young and old to take up the sport :lol:

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They wouldn't get the health and safety guys to clear blokes jumping about on bikes. I know a few people who work on it, and last years, with the Parqour guys was a nightmare amount of paperwork.

In the states, the rules are a lot more lax - over here we're very very tight. Especially in a confined TV Studio.


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sure a bunch of fit and healthy young adults doing a sport they've been doing for years is much more dangerous than letting a 74 year old granny lie on a bed of nails with a fat man standing on her, then letting her smash some marble with a sledge hammer on his back.

health and safety would be fairly easy to persuade.

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  G4vyn said:
sure a bunch of fit and healthy young adults doing a sport they've been doing for years is much more dangerous than letting a 74 year old granny lie on a bed of nails with a fat man standing on her, then letting her smash some marble with a sledge hammer on his back.

health and safety would be fairly easy to persuade.

Believe me. Convincing Health and Safety at the Albert Hall, that Car Part Instruments won't randomly explode, was harder than that.

It's just because it seem harder, and like, something kids could just go out and try, even on a BMX...

Lord help us. :mellow:

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  G4vyn said:
sure a bunch of fit and healthy young adults doing a sport they've been doing for years is much more dangerous than letting a 74 year old granny lie on a bed of nails with a fat man standing on her, then letting her smash some marble with a sledge hammer on his back.

health and safety would be fairly easy to persuade.

I was watching it earlier and was pretty shocked at how they can allow a woman to lay on a bed of nails and have someone stand on here, and then for a man to have some marble slab whacked to pieces on his back with a sledge hammer!

Surely health and safety wouldn't be a major issue, it's not like you can do a major gap or anything on a stage...

besides, just wear a helmet (Y)

i personally think the prince would find trials alot more interesting than some man singing...

i say you do trials and make a song at the same time with the brakes, that would sound pretty intense and would surely amuse simon cowell (Y)


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