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Worst Fear Of Trials + Worst Accident

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I haven't really had any bad accidents. My most feared is chain snap, last time it happened I was riding on a ledge and the chain just snapped for some reason, I lost balance and fell sideways off the ledge but did no real damage.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I dont think I follow...

Why is chain snapping so bad? Are we talking during a pedal kick or something? I'm not too sure why this would be such a big deal.

For me, its heights, going over the handle bars or falling on my back/head. I've never had a big bail really. The closest thing would be when I was just riding down a hill one time, I was on the sidewalk and the sidewalk ended where a road intersected and I kept riding and went up on the incline where the sidewalk started again. I was going straight into a brick wall and turned sharply to avoid it. I ended up going over the handlebars and I remember that I actually bounced. I ruined my brake lever, shifters and my handle bars were really skewed afterwards. Nasty gashes on my legs and hands but I popped right back up. I couldnt believe it really. I only really remember saying "crap gotta turn right now!" "whoa I'm in the air" "khjksdkasdhkjsa... :blink: "

I do agree with whoever said to get right back on the bike though. When I did that, I didnt ride for a few months and it took me ages to go down a hill again at a decent speed. I was really scared. I eventually got over it and when I started playing around on my bike a few months back I remember bailing a couple times on and endo. Nothing serious. Then I held a nice one for like 3 or 4 seconds and I went over top the handle bars but I didnt launch myself it was like I fell straight down on top of the bike. I hit my head and scrapped up myself a little. It rung my bell but I got right back on the bike and I made sure I did at least 1 more good endo.

I think the biggest thing is, granted its not a serious injury, finish the day on a good note. I always try to stop practicing anything after I've been satisfied with how much I practiced and after I've done a decent one.

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Chain snap if im about to dop gap.

Broke a few sets of forks but nothing to cry over.

I hate it when you go for something so hard and you like get the bike but just end up flat in mid air because you tried so hard or if you kick off a upslope and bike doesnt come with you.

im scared of the fact im never going to learn hooks because im shit lol that scares me.

and i feel sorry for everyone with a pro 2 i know people say there good blah theres never has broke. But i managed to brake one in 10 days just gapping that hurt and i seen so many brake.

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I always think before trying something. "what if something goes wrong" NOt the right way to think. I dont have faith in my brakes anymore. pads have gone crap all of a sudden.

Also have no one to push me. and say "YES you CAN do that!" "just go for it!"

Kinda sucks!

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I dont think I follow...

Why is chain snapping so bad? Are we talking during a pedal kick or something? I'm not too sure why this would be such a big deal.

When you're at a fairly low standard its not so bad, but once things start getting bigger you have a long way to fall usually.

If you look at anyone gapping (for ease, look at the Damon Watson video 7 on't vids page) they put so much effort into the pedals that if the chain snaps, all your force is going in to sending you flipping over the bars.

If you're dropping off something, you go face first into the ground, if gapping up to front you go face first into the ledge you're going up to, etc.

Really ain't a good thing.

Always hit your bollocks too :(

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Going to backwheel a wall to a higher drop the other side, but not quite making the backwheel and alas falling forwards over the drop. A repeated episode of when I did a 5ft drop, my brake stuck and I fell forwards splitting my scrotum open on my stem. Never ached so much in my life... 'Twas savage! :P

I suppose there isn't any way of getting over the fear of bailing is there? Just gotta get on with it and build up confidence over time. Thing is, the main thing in trials is confidence I think, but if I bail my confidence is shattered for a while then. I think the best way is to get up and do the same thing again so you don't leave too many bad memories!

Edited by James-M
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Damn guys, you and your bollocks (which I assume is your manhood)

I havent sacked myself bad yet. There was this one time I pulled a fast endo though and my feet slipped. The bike started going up but my body didn't. I tell you... that look on the GF's face was sheer terror. "oh my god! what have you done to it?!"

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Damn guys, you and your bollocks (which I assume is your manhood)

I havent sacked myself bad yet. There was this one time I pulled a fast endo though and my feet slipped. The bike started going up but my body didn't. I tell you... that look on the GF's face was sheer terror. "oh my god! what have you done to it?!"

This, is serious bollock death VV

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