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No Riding For Me For A While


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Well it was a Tuesday night watching TV with the mrs as you do lol. When I go to get off the bed and sit on the chair to take the DVD out, when I get a pain in my left ball. I usually get a pain in there because I landed on it harsh once gapping and stuff but I went down docs and he said its nothing. This pain use to come for like 30 seconds and go so I left it. Anyway this pain come I tried to leave it but wouldn’t go stopped me from walking or anything. So mom took me docs an hour later and he rushed me to hospital after 3 hours of waiting Midnight by this time. I was told I need an operation.

Not happy by this

They cut my sack open twisted the left testicle around back to how I should be and drained the puss out. If I left it about a month later I would probs have lost it.

Stitched it back up and now it’s approximately just over the size of a pool ball.

I have a like hammock it goes in loll so it don’t dangle because of the pain. So if any of you get this weird pain get to docs ASAP I think I have given birth with this pain.

I can’t ride for a long time I don’t know what to do I got so good and I thought start of my new vid was just amazing and now it’s all gone again :(

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A guy at my school was climbing over the fence in shorts, got caught on the rusty wire poking out of the top of the fence. Slit his sack wide open, had to have one ball removed and the playground was covered in blood.

Was a f**king nasty sight, and still makes me cringe.

I felt SO damn sorry for that kid, must be horrifying at 14/15.

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  Fugley said:
*Cups balls in hand to check they are still good*

EDIT: And thats MY balls if anyone takes that comment as homosexual

lol dont be scared we all do it sometime hahaha

If anyone wants a pic posted let me know lol. I feel black lol there huge hahaha

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  Fugley said:
Just a shame it wasn't your manhood really. :giggle:

Owell lol never mind hahah ;) please gf so its all gravy haha. You know what they say big wheels small willy and what do i ride hahah i int scared lol.

But o na serios note im so drugged up i didnt know who my gf was and tried putting a toblerone packet on as a sock

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I feel your pain dude!

i hit my nutts on the stem about a year ago i was in so much pain!!

the doc said i had a twisted testicle so i went to see two other docs to make sure and they said the same thing but i was drinking loads of coke and it infection my left testicle!

i couldnt so anything for 2months!!!

i still get pains now and again! its not a nice feeling!!

you might get the odd pain cos the bloods not getting to the testicle that much!

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if i stand up really quickly sometimes my left ball really really hurts i get a dammm nasty pain go from my balls to my stomach......i cant walk when im in this pain...this has been going on for well over 4 months......

its really hard to explain this pain to be fair......but its actually worse that being slaped in the ball really quick

Edited by mrkoxx
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