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What The f**k This Is Gay.

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I really f**king need to sellsome stuff on classified it it wont f**king let me.

which stupid fanny wont let me do this and y ta f**k not.

I bet he made this while bumbing his fatf**k of a boyfriend.

twat thanks alot

i came on here 2 actually do somet good.

Btw when can i sell stuff .

For sale.

ounze of weed

some smack


and all the rest you can think of matee.

also i quite trials bout 3 monmths ago so i got a echo lite 06 for sale which i only want 100 quid for or another ounze of weed to get me f**k for the rest of the week insted of this piece of shit of a forum.

Welcome to Trials-Forum!

Sorry, I meant to say goodbye.

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IP check anyone? :rolleyes:

That sounds like a plan.

oooooooooooooooo some one wants to put there dummy bak in waaaaaa

Most immature post ever?

Edit: Callum. Got. Owned.

Why though?

Edited by Skoze
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Two people use that IP address, the thread starter and this person.


EDIT: lol - just realised, if I'd have scrolled down to the second post I'd have seen the IP was exactly the same. Still haven't had my morning coffee, shit doesn't work without it.

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